Lighting Up the Darkness


Do you ever feel “in the dark” about what God is doing in your life? It’s hard sometimes to know exactly how He’ll use the circumstances we encounter. For example, it’s impossible to understand why Deepak Dhingra, regional director of our center in Chandigarh, was called home when he was so key to many Kingdom endeavors in northern India. We’ve also heard recently of Christians being executed in North Korea and wonder what good will come from that. We especially remember our friends now in the Philippines as they continue to pick up the pieces from the recent typhoon that took the lives of an estimated 5,800 people.


While we wonder about the reasons behind these and many other things, we know God’s ultimate purpose is to give many who have spent their lives in spiritual darkness, without Christ, an opportunity to turn to Him. This gives us urgency every day as we work to accelerate global evangelism around the world.

Sometimes the darkness is not figurative, though. Our friends in Southeast Asia recently found themselves in the dark—literally.


A speaker set to do a recording arrived and began, but after about 20 minutes, the power failed. The speaker and the crew lit up the room with candles and decided to wait out the darkness. Their patience paid off. Four hours later they finished the reccording!

Perseverance is the name of the game when it comes to producing and distributing evangelistic materials to reach a dark world. We thank God for our many staff around the world who persevere, sacrifice, and often risk much to share the Word of God in culturally relevant ways with people who desperately need Him.

GNPI has a rich heritage of equipping our regional centers to meet immediate needs. Now, we want to bring to light a specific need that our SE Asia center has brought to our attention. The audio recording mentioned above will be paired with a printed brochure. The cost of the printing is $1,600. We ask you, if you are touched by the physical or spiritual needs in SE Asia, to consider partnering with us to provide a boost of support for our work there.

Will you consider a gift of $5, $25, or $100 now? Even in the midst of physical darkness, our friends across the ocean are striving to bring the Light of Christ to those in spiritual darkness. Our prayer is that media content that meets real spiritual needs will allow people to see Christ for who He really is and choose to let Him rule in their hearts.


“Accelerating Global Evangelism Through Media”


Good News Productions, International
PO Box 222 | Joplin, MO 64802 | 417-782-0060