it's all for the kids!


Update on the New Children’s Home

Grand Goave, Haiti



The construction progress on the Children’s Home has been amazing!  Many people have sacrificed time and money to come to Haiti and participate in the specialized parts of the construction. But, it became clear in September that the Home was not going to be completed in time for the children to move in and start school.


After much thought and prayer we decided to postpone the move-in of the children until the first part of January 2015, so they would not have to leave their school in Port au Prince in the middle of a semester. 


The move in and dedication have now been rolled back to January.  This will also allow for more visiting Americans and Canadians to be here for this special event; we will notify you of the dedication date in the near future.


Today, as I write this update, we have a hand-full of our U.S. staff working in the Children’s Home assembling furnishings, touching-up paint, and jobs of the like.  And the last of the windows are being installed, the playground (which has been a puzzle to put together), and the little hut with the grass roof are all nearing completion.  Praise God for everyone who has made this Home possible.  


Thank you friends for your love and generosity and for your prayers.

Bob and Gretchen

Lifeline Founders


children's home and playground