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Devotional Thought
Those whom God calls to a specific task He always enables.
When the Lord sees we have been faithful in a little, He gives us more – and His “more” will always stretch us.  We would find it easier to continue being faithful where we already are than to go to the next level in our walk with God, but then we would stop growing. So God puts us in places of greater service where we will fail unless we develop a greater trust in Him than we have ever had before.
But along with every challenging call comes God’s perfect enabling.  He is prepared to meet every need we will face as we step out in obedience and faith. He will grant us the strength we need to match every demand. He will bestow the wisdom we need to navigate every decision.
It is an awesome experience to realize that Almighty God is personally equipping you to serve Him.  So if God is calling you to a new assignment, be encouraged!  You are about to experience God in ways you have never known before. 
Excerpt from Discovering God’s Daily Agenda by Henry and Richard Blackaby  

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, 

because He counted me faithful, 

putting me into the ministry.


I Timothy 1:12 
children's home constructionPraises

  • Each week, pastors from the various countries Lifeline serves are reporting baptisms.  Lifeline does many things, but leading people into a life-changing relationship with Jesus is the ultimate victory. 


  • Progress continues on the new Children’s Home kitchen/dining building construction in Grand Goave. The playground surround-wall is also under construction.  (see photos on right) We are awaiting the containers from Canada which contain many of the much-needed supplies to go to the next level on the construction.
  • Much needed containers filled with ministry supplies have cleared customs now that the customs strike is over.  They are even discounting some of our demurrage charges because of the strike delays.
  • We have completed 111 of 124 homes funded for construction in 2013; there are over 2 dozen homes on the calendar for 2014, thus far.


  • Some of the pastors in Honduras were blessed recently by attending the Global Leadership Summit, gaining practical insights and encouragement from the training presented by world-renowned leaders.
  • The Honduras women’s team was amazing!  Focused on children and women, the team of 17 ladies were able to distribute Christmas gifts to our sponsored and not-sponsored kiddies in Honduras and to also conduct a Ladies Day at Ocotillo Christian Church for the women of all 9 of Lifeline’s churches in Honduras. 
  • The used white passenger van we bought is a huge blessing; it beats that old shuttle bus with no air conditioning and exhaust fumes! 
  • The children at Omoa Children’s Home sang songs for the ladies team and even one song in English! 

Navajo Nation

  • ABC food packing eventsLast week at Red Sands, the water pump went out that provides water to the school and church.  It cost $2500 to repair.  The team from Indiana Creek Christian Church was there at the time and saw the need first hand. Some of the team members have sent donations to fund this need. Thanks to everyone and praises!


  • JD, Lifeline’s Connection Director, had a great time with Footville Church of Christ (Wisconsin) at their annual mission rally.  They pledged over $68,000 for their 16 missions around the world!
  • Our ABC food packing events continue at a record pace.  We’re expecting to package more than 5 million meals this year!!!  Praise God and thanks to Him and the thousands of participants assisting at our ABC events. (see photos on right)
baptisms in El Salvador

Prayer Requests
  • Pray for the team Andy Sims (Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director) will be leading into Cuba next week (November 5-11) to conduct leadership seminars, a medical clinic and evangelism activities within the house churches there. 
  • Pray that new churches catch onto Lifeline’s vision to restore hope among the nations.  We need more partners who will do whatever it takes to be a catalyst for change in individual hearts, emerging churches, struggling communities and entire cultures. 
  • Pray for the Navajo ministry: that God will open more doors and hearts to accept His message. 
  • Dawn, our Red Sands Christian School (Navajo Nation) Principal, fell and broke her wrist in two places; please keep her in your prayers.  
  • Pray that the water pump replacement at the Red Sands Christian School is completed soon.
  • For our newest brother and sisters baptized this past week in El Salvador. See photos on right.
  • The spiritual work of Lifeline all around the various countries is just exploding; many, many are coming to Christ everywhere. But our financial situation just isn’t what it must be.  We are pleading for more financial gifts; it is hard right now.
  • A work team from Okolona Christian Church joins us in Honduras; two primary focuses are clinic/health care and VBS for the children.
  • School is almost out in Honduras for their “summer recess” (though more like winter than summer).  Pray for the children as they spend time with families and first of all that they will pass their exams and advance.
  • Our 2014 women’s work team to Haiti is just around the corner; only 2 months away!  A lot of women will be joining us in Haiti; pray for these women as they prepare.
You can view Lifeline’s full prayer list at


management team
top photo – Church plant partners:
bottom row (left to right): Steve Edwards,  

Derwin Clarke, and John Nicholson; 

 top row: Kelly Carter, Peter Roberts (lead planter), Rick Scruggs, and Ben Simms

bottom photo – The church will 
meet in the Empire movie theater
People, Programs or Projects: 
Planting Churches in Canada
By Ben Simms, Lifeline’s Executive Vice President and President of Lifeline-Canada 
Our Partnership
Over the past few years, Lifeline has been a catalyst to bring together partners to help launch a new church in Calgary, Alberta.  (Read a recently published article in the Christian Standard article)  Church attendance and the commitment to live a Christ-first life continue to decline in this Western Canadian city.  New churches will help meet this spiritual need by connecting people to Christ.   (Read “Why Calgary” by Canadian John Nicholson)
The new church will meet at the Empire movie theaters in the northern part of the city.  Peter Roberts, the lead planter, is off to a great start organizing the launch plan.  The church had a retreat for the core launch team members last weekend and will start training them as ministry leaders over the next few months.  A Christmas movie outreach is in the works for December with the launch of Sunday services and small groups in January.
Your Partnership
Lifeline’s financial commitment to the partnership is $750 per month to support the new church through the end of 2016.  (This includes items like start-up costs and initial staff funding until church offerings can sustain the church)  We have received some one-time donations to cover this commitment through a portion of 2014, so additional partners – both churches and individuals – are still needed.  If you’d like to partner with us, you can donate online or 

Teams are being formed to bring additional volunteer support and energy to outreach efforts that are planned to connect people to the church and ultimately Christ.  We currently have a church finalizing their commitment to bring a team to help with a sports camp in July. Additional weeks in 2014 are also under consideration and if you would be interested in joining individually or forming a team from your church, please contact