Lifeline Christian Mission
Dear Friends,


You are a rescuer…a lifeboat…a lifeline.  Thousands were drowning in despair and you responded out of compassion and love to meet their needs and share God’s love. 


Because of you,

  • kids in Haiti go to bed with full bellies through the nutritious foods they receive
  • churches and house churches are multiplying and growing numerically and spiritually
  • students in Haiti, Honduras and Navajo Nation dream of brighter tomorrows
  • Bible Institute students receive hands-on experience to become leaders that plant and grow churches
  • children feel loved and safe – for the first time in their life – at our Children’s Homes in Haiti and Honduras
  • families receive medical & dental care through our Christian Health Clinics


And the list could go on and on.


We are simply overwhelmed by how God is using you to bless thousands and transform lives for eternity.  You are truly making a difference for the Kingdom.

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As a token of our appreciation and to show how your donations are changing lives, how your prayers are being answered, and how your time is making a difference, please enjoy our 


You’ll find stories where God’s love is expressed and hope abounds, and see how children and families have been ministered to – both physically and spiritually – in Lifeline’s ministry communities. 


Through you, God has made these life transformations possible! 


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Thank you again for your prayers, time, and ministry partnership. You are sharing Christ’s love and restoring hope to thousands of children and families in Lifeline’s ministry communities.



Serving Him together,

Lifeline Christian Mission 

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 Interested in a print copy?

Print copies of the report are available for yourself and to share with others.  

Simply email or call Dana at 614-794-0108.



Lifeline Christian Mission restoring hope among the nations