Thank you for...
Mèsi pou don ou 
“Thank you for giving” (Haiti)

I slept on a woven straw mat on the floor with my family, 
which was also home to many bugs. 
Now we sleep on the bed you gave us and I don’t itch all night long!  


Gracias por animar 
“Thank you for encouraging” (Central America)

I grow as church leader when pastors & teachers come side-by-side to encourage, teach, and give me hands-on experience.  
It gives me hope and new partners in ministry! 

Solilzin yi gee ‘Ahé hee’ 
“Thank you for praying” (Navajo Trails)

Life took an unexpected turn and everything I had is gone.
Life on the streets is hard and when you pray, I know I’m not alone.

Gracias por amar 
“Thank you for loving” (Honduras)

You hold my hands and give me hugs; 
I didn’t get those before I lived here at the Children’s Home. 
I see love in your eyes.

Thank you for serving 

When you served with our new church plant, our community took notice.
Since then, our church has been invited to participate in community events, allowing us to share Jesus’ love even more!

Thank you for giving…

your prayers, time, love and generosity to those in need 
around the world!  You are changing lives for eternity!

Happy Thanksgiving! 
The Staff at Lifeline Christian Mission:
Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, Cuba, Navajo Nation, Guatemala, 
Panama, Canada, and The United States