New Education Initiatives are taking 
Students & Teachers to Higher Ground!
Things are happening in Lifeline’s school in Grand Goave, Haiti
The Education Task Force, overseen by Lifeline volunteers Julia Keener and Martha
Walker, has been busy for almost 2 years evaluating, devising, planning, training, and working alongside the school leadership & staff, to raise the education there to higher ground.  Etzer Milord, Grand Goave School Director recently wrote,
“The new initiatives have brought the vision and motivation necessary for quality learning.  The teachers are learning to collaborate, to share resources, and to find new resources, in order to help their students learn.  All of this, in an atmosphere of joy and enthusiasm…with passion and professionalism.”  
What a group of godly, spirit-driven teachers, all leading and educating our Grand Goave children! 

Thanks to YOU (our generous donors and prayer supporters), Julia, Martha, Melody Munger and Karen Lydick not only presented a 2-day workshop to the Grand Goave teachers, but also helped distribute brand new textbooks to students in several schools, prepared and cataloged hundreds of new books for the Grand Goave school library, put many new school supplies into use, and rejoiced that the leaky “choukoun” straw roof has been replaced so that intervention classes can again take place there.  The school is being transformed in many ways, and your donations are touching and changing these students’ young lives by providing a more solid education!

But not only is the school seeing physical, intellectual and qualitative change, but the students are being led spiritually on a new level.  Thanks to a large donation from the Gideons, all 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students in Grand Goave now have their own Bible, in Haitian Creole!  Director Etzer says,


“Education is…to prepare them to become well-rounded, educated, conscientious, and useful to society….[and to] have strong characters, strong souls… Without Christian education, there will never be a real education.” 


Melody Munger, who assisted with these efforts in October, expressed her thoughts: 


“On a personal level, I am able to give God all the glory for going before me and opening all the needed doors, being beside me while teaching in a foreign language and culture and God within, as I was lifted up by the prayers of ever so many prayer warriors.  Perhaps you are being called by God to teach in Haiti at the Lifeline schools? Perhaps you and members of your church would be interested in buying books for the expanding library to assist teachers in teaching from Godly literature?  Is God calling YOU to take a risk for Him, to use the teaching talents you have been given for His Glory in Haiti?”


school staff

Staff at the Grand Goave Christian School

top photo: choukoun; bottom photo: textbook distribution

top photo: children with books & Bibles; middle photo: child working at desk; bottom photo: Second grade teacher Joseph Frantz Antoine, who, Director Etzer says, “makes a concerted effort to take a real part in the life of his class and also to participate in the life of the entire school, body and soul. His students are making very good progress.”
Julia Keener, Martha Walker,
and Melody Munger


Our gratitude goes to all of YOU who have been champions for these changes and new initiatives, and who felt led by the Lord to provide support!  


In the coming months, the Task Force will begin exploring the needs for support and training at other Lifeline schools.  Perhaps the Lord is calling you, your church, or organization to support Lifeline’s education programs, including textbook replacement, libraries at the “outpost schools,” additional teaching resources, and teacher training.  You can change a child’s future by donating online.   Thank you!


Donate today and improve a child's education!

Contact Julia Keener at for more information about how you can support efforts to strengthen education in Lifeline’s schools.