Lifeline Christian Mission
celebrating students
You never know when Jesus will use you
to give hope and joy to the kids
Our Honduran students finished the year with a special celebration, but something took Darwyn, our Director of Schools in Honduras, by surprise: our students had never experienced this before?  
women's trip
Ladies: you’re invited to join a women’s only mission trip to Haiti on April 18-25, 2017! 

You’ll serve the Haitian people through home building, nutrition programs, distributing layettes, and work projects, while also drawing closer to God and the women you’ll serve alongside.
There are additional spaces available just for you and your friends, sisters and moms. 

Simply contact to learn more.

gift photos & updates
Sponsors: did you miss it?  Your November update just went out!  Check it out to find your child’s gift photos and other news and updates.
ministry highlights
El Salvador
Five people were recently baptized: Delmi, Valeria, Juan, Alejandra and Carmen!  Please pray for their new life in Christ.

food distribution
Thank you for helping those impacted by Hurricane Matthew!  The relief program is going well, as supplies and food are being distributed through Lifeline’s churches and partners. We are also thankful for IDES and their recent commitment to build 10 homes in Haiti!

Due to the generosity of Faith Works Sunday Class, the kindergartners at Ocotillo have new classrooms!  For many years, the class was offsite.  By moving onto the campus, the children will have access to the library, computer lab, English classes, computer lab, soccer court and swings.  Thank you for investing in the children!
Connection Pointe Christian Church (Indiana) visited the ministry in Panama and encouraged the Tula and Mamey Christian churches.  Marielena, from the Guyami tribe, was also baptized!
United States
We are having a great time at ICOM!  ICOM is the place to learn more about missions and connect with ministries around the world.  Stop by and see us in the exhibitor hall; we’d love to catch up with you!

Stay connected: like us on Facebook

prayer requests
stories & news
Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 104, Westerville, OH 43081