
  Counting our Blessings


Thanksgiving is a time to remember the abundant blessings that God has poured out on us: 


1) Our God & Savior who gives us eternal life with Him

2) The Lifeline field staff who tirelessly share God’s love and minister to their fellow countrymen

3) Our generous ministry partners and prayer warriors

4) The opportunity to minister to the children in Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador and Navajo Nation

5) For the work team members who share their love, talents, and hearts with those in need

6) Volunteers who sacrifice their valuable time for God’s greater Kingdom

7) The thousands of lives that have been impacted for Christ in Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, Cuba, Canada, Guatemala, Panama, Navajo Nation, and the USA

8) The tens of thousands of people who pack food and collect peanut butter to impact the hungry

9) Child sponsors who shower their sponsored children with love and prayers

10) …and the list goes on! 


We pray that you have many things for which you are thankful for this Thanksgiving!  


Happy Thanksgiving!

The Staff at Lifeline Christian Mission 


Give thanks 
to the Lord. 
Worship him.  
Tell the 
he has done.
Psalm 105:1 (NIRV)
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