Men's work team to Haiti
  photos from the 2013 men's team Annual Men’s Team 
to Haiti


September 15 – 24, 2014


Men, join Mark Gulley, Lifeline Work Team Coordinator, in Haiti for the annual men’s team!  You will enjoy great fellowship, good food, opportunities for spiritual growth, and, of course, lots of work and ministry projects! 



Trip Dates

September 15 – 24, 2014



Register now for a reduced trip rate!  

$1,875 per person if you register and pay by July 15.  


Price includes airfare, in-field travel, dorm-style lodging, and meals.


The price increases to $1975 after July 15!




For additional details, contact Keith Dimbath, Lifeline’s Work Team Director, at or 614-794-0108. 



Reserve your space on the team!

Contact Cathi: or 






photos from the 2013 men’s team in Haiti

Looking for a reason to go on a mission trip?  Brian Jones gives you 5.  

Lifeline Christian Mission   ||   Restoring hope among the nations 

Haiti | Honduras | El Salvador | Cuba | Panama | Guatemala | Navajo Nation | Canada | USA