Lifeline Christian Mission
Charlotte and Denny
Serving isn’t complicated…
it’s simply seeing a need and meeting it.
Charlotte, who is one of our volunteers, shares “Everyone can find a way to serve our Lord.” She discovered that God was paving a way for her to serve in a simple – yet very necessary – way.  Charlotte writes…
For more than 35 years I had no dishwasher. While raising our two sons, I had no choice but to wash all dishes, utensils, pots and pans by hand. I never really enjoyed the chore but learned to appreciate the time that I could spend in prayer and reflection on all the great blessings showered on us by God. 

About five years ago, God and my handyman husband gifted me with a dishwasher. So how do I spend my new-found time? 

ministry highlights
kite day
Arizona: Navajo ministry
Our students at Red Sands Christian School had a great time at their annual kite day!
praying for this little girl
The recent leadership team was touched by the response of the members of the house churches. One mother brought her 4 year old daughter to be prayed over: she has a rare disease that produces benign tumors and cysts throughout her body.
Dan and Laure
Our newest volunteer team coordinators, Dan and Laure, will lead the mission team from New Day Christian Church (Florida) in Guatemala.  They are also interested in coordinating teams in our other mission fields, too.  Please pray for them, as God appears to be opening doors to further involvement in missions.
Praise God: the church in Tegucigalpa celebrated 12 years of ministry!  There were 6 baptisms at the celebration.  Please pray for these new Christians: Elsa, Yorleni, Haidee, Yeison, Ansony and Kevin.


United States
We are thankful for the volunteers from Mt Olivet Baptist Church (Ohio).  They worked hard and accomplished many projects at our warehouse.  Thank you for your willing hearts and hands to serve! 

prayers & praises
We humbly request your prayers for our ministry communities and ask you join us in celebrating how God is moving: praises & prayer requests

involve your kids
Your kids can change the world for a child in need.
They learn that first-hand when your VBS or camp kids package a nutritious, rice-based food for hungry children around the world!  
As your kids fill the bags and watch the completed boxes pile up, it’s a visible reminder that they’re providing a meal to a child in another country who is hungry and needs Jesus’ love. 

This fun, hands-on experience for your VBS and camp kids will grab their attention and jump start their imagination on how they made a difference for Christ around the world. 

Learn more about hosting a food packing event at your VBS or camp: contact Matt.

Lifeline Christian Mission
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 133, Westerville, OH 43081-3363