Lifeline Christian Mission
Left to right: Darwyn, Ben, and Mordecai review potential property parcels
Time flies by
by Ben Simms, Lifeline’s President & CEO
22 years ago my passion for missions took root.  It was my first international mission trip.  A trip where my heart for the people of Honduras and the ministry of Lifeline developed in ways I never imagined.  
Today, after many years, I’m back in Honduras.  
I’m joined by some amazing volunteers who are talented photographers and videographers. They are diligently capturing the story of the people so that you can catch a glimpse, a vision of the ministry here.
I, on the other hand, have been awed…


ministry highlights
celebrating moms
Moms are important and, to celebrate them, the church had a great celebration on Mother’s Day. Each mother also received small gift.

We are praising God: our Cesselesse Christian Church had a mission trip in the north part of Haiti and 6 people were baptized, and 25 people have been baptized at our Deuxieme Plaine Christian Church so far this year! Please pray for these new believers.

The media team was treated to presentations from the English class at Ocotillo.  Each pair of students told about the history and culture of a country.  They were excellent presentations!


pack food
United States
Okolona Christian Church (KY) is packing 100,000 nutritious, rice-based meals for Honduras this weekend! These meals will fill hungry bellies, while sharing Jesus’ love with the children and families.


praises & prayer requests
We humbly request your prayers for our ministry communities and ask you join us in celebrating how God is moving: praises & prayer requests

multiplying hope
When the Living Hope Ministry came under Lifeline’s wings, we saw a faithful congregation who was passionate for Christ.  We didn’t want to disrupt what had been built; we simply came alongside the leaders and church to build upon the strong foundation that had been laid.
Today, the transition has gone well.  The church and leaders have been welcomed with open arms by our Honduran leaders and integrated into our ministry.  
But there’s potential to be much, much more.
We – Lifeline along with Living Hope Christian Church – envision more than a church: we dream of launching a new network of church plants in the Tegucigalpa region and training dynamic leaders.
Pastor Eduardo from Living Hope Christian Church shared, 
We believe that together we – Lifeline and Living Hope – will make bigger and better things to expand the kingdom of God and reach souls for Christ.

Pastor Eduardo and the church are excited for the ministry possibilities.  They aren’t content to watch their neighbors, communities, and city live life without knowing that God loves them and sent His Son to save them.
Will you come alongside Living Hope Christian Church 
and Lifeline to spread the saving grace of Jesus Christ 
throughout Tegucigalpa and Honduras?
Contact to learn how you can be a 
catalyst to multiply the ministry in Honduras!

Lifeline Christian Mission
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 133, Westerville, OH 43081-3363