Lifeline Christian Mission
global impact - Honduras
Today, we begin our global journey.  
Each week we’ll travel to a different location to catch a glimpse of their life and ministry.  We’re also going to dream together and stretch our global reach because there’s still much to do to change the current reality of the struggling and hurting in our communities. 
Meet our tour guide for today’s excursion: 
Andy Sims, our Leadership Development Officer, gives us a glimpse into the realities of our pastors and leaders and the communities they serve

church ministry highlights
serving the children and families

The church has grown much this year, due to the blessing of the sponsorship program.  Keep the leaders in your prayers because this is a new church and people in Latin America are wary of new things.

ministering in El Salvador
El Salvador

Our newest house church began two months ago and they’ve grown to 21 people, including one baptism! Pray for the house churches: Every day, the Salvadorians struggle with crime. There are many who are afraid to go out in the evenings to gather at the house churches.


The churches are reaching out to minister to each other.  The Grand Goave church traveled to Morne Tata, a poorer area, to give away clothing, shoes and more. Pastor Luc had challenged the Grand Goave church to donate items (and many did), while Lifeline donated some clothing, too.

praying for and encouraging the leaders

Gonzales Christian Church celebrated 25 years of ministry through worship and encouragement, as their leaders and pastor were prayed over.  Our churches from Choloma, Ocotillo, and Ideal also joined the celebration, along with the mission team from Okolona Christian Church (Louisville, KY).

Navajo child

Building renovations, a Navajo pastor and relaunch of the church are exciting, and with funding, we can continue the momentum to move forward.  Pray for the church, as the tribal religions are strongly against the Good News of Jesus Christ, and for God’s guidance and discernment.

training in Panama

Ten months ago, a training/leadership program began, which has resulted in growth and a new house church.  Pray for the church: pastors/leaders must walk great distances to share the Gospel and church members also walk long distances to worship together in this rural, mountainous area.

Church planting partners:

The Northern Hills church and their leaders could use your prayers.  As a 2-year old church plant, they face unique challenges and need your encouragement.  Pray also for an upcoming mission team: that they would provide encouragement while ministering to the community.  


Because of the unique challenges the church faces in Cuba, launching house churches has been the primary way to minister to the people.  Pray for the leaders and pastors, and for the upcoming leadership seminars to encourage them.

The Gathering
You’re invited to
The Gathering: Your Global Impact
Sunday, April 3  ~ Discover Christian Church ~ 4:00p – 5:30p
At The Gathering, you’ll reconnect with Lifeline friends, swap stories with fellow mission team members, enjoy time with our staff, and see how you are making a global impact through your partnership with Lifeline.  And bring some friends to introduce them to Lifeline and all the amazing ways they can be involved!
Also joining us are 4 special guests!
Last week you met Brian.  This week…
share your opinion
Thank you!  
We appreciate that over 1200 of you shared your thoughts and opinions in our first-ever, comprehensive survey!  Through this, you are shaping Lifeline’s future, as we want the ministry to work with you and for the children & families we serve on our mission fields. 
It will take time to compile your thoughts, process the findings, and integrate potential changes, so we ask for your patience. We look forward to sharing more with you in the next few months.


praises & petitions
Celebrate what God is doing and bring these requests to Him: praises & prayer requests

Lifeline Christian Mission - #RestoringHope
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 133, Westerville, OH 43081-3363