Ministering to the Navajo

by Brian Snyder, Lifeline’s Administrator & Missionary to the Navajo

January was a great start to 2015 and I am thrilled that many of you saw how awesome God moved in 2014 in Arizona.  (check out our 2014 update)  We continue to trust God in all things and really have had to focus on our patience and trust as we look forward to this year.


School started on January 5 and the kids were all back in their seats ready to go…or ready to get this school year over with.  It is so hard to tell sometimes what they are thinking. We had a new kindergarten student join us, too!  We are so thrilled that Red Sands school is growing and reaching new families. It is such a blessing to be able to educate and share the gospel via the school.


The wheels on the bus…

January also started with us facing the reality that our school bus was going to be in the shop for yet another week getting the transmission replaced.  Vehicles are one of our main concerns because they’re used on a daily basis and the roads are not the greatest. Our large school bus is the work horse of the ministry: it’s used year-round for school transportation and work teams. So when it goes down, we all feel the pressure.


The large school bus was fixed, and it cost a little more than we expected. But our little backup bus was having problems and needed repairs, and the van we use was also failing. By the end of January, we had all three vehicles in the shop and the large school bus, which we were able to get back, is now in the shop again. We have had parents using personal vehicles to shuffle kids around, but we were able to make it work.  


Unfortunately, we took a huge hit financially. The vehicles are much better for now and we have them all back, except the large bus which should be back the first week of February. If you are interested in helping us, you can make a donation and notate “Navajo Vehicle fund” in the comments/memo section. So far, I believe we have raised $550 towards this, which is great! The cost is over $5,500 for the repairs completed so far.


Red Sands school & bus


You hit it out of the park!

A huge positive happened in January: Bridgetown Church of Christ (Cincinnati, OH) raised awareness at their church regarding the sports and recess equipment needs for the school.  They collected so much for the school that it had to be dropped shipped to the school, and my mother-in-law also brought a huge suitcase full of equipment. Thank you so much Bridgetown for your love and encouragement to these students! Our students are out playing softball every day and truly enjoying this blessing!  


With the blessing of sports equipment from Bridgetown Church of Christ this January and from Greenwood Christian last year; we have more than some public schools have for their kids. You all have done so much to boost the excitement for these students at Red Sands Christian School.


students with the new sports equipment


Thank you!

Thank you all so much for your prayers! Below are some specific requests; we appreciate you lifting these up in your prayers.  And, many have been praying for my wife, Barb, and I thank you. She is doing much better despite still having no idea what caused her episode in early December. A follow-up appointment happens next week, but we are just thrilled that she is doing better with no further issues.


We will keep updating you, and we are thrilled to have you partner with us in lifting this ministry up in prayer. The students need it, the teachers and staff need it, and God continues to answer those prayers. Thank you!



In Christ,



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Prayer Requests      


Minister search: continue to pray for a minister for Red Sands Christian Church. We know God has a Navajo minister in the works, and we must be patient until He reveals that to us.  


Funding: Please also keep the funding for the Navajo work in your prayers. We truly have been hit hard by the vehicle issues and continued building issues. Please consider a gift, if God moves you in that way.

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Snyder family prayer card
Lifeline Christian Mission - restoring hope among the nations