We're all about loving & serving kids in Jesus' name!
At Lifeline, we create fun events to involve as many people as possible so that, together, we can show God’s love to the children in Lifeline’s ministries. 
…And these end-of-summer fundraisers may fit your niche! 
Hogs for Haiti


Hogs for Haiti 2014: 

14 days & 4500 miles
Experience the beauty of the Northeastern U.S. and Canada 



The 2014 Hogs for Haiti ride heads out on August 22 with 5 primary riders and a two-man team driving the support vehicle. Along the route, the riders will stay with hosts and in hotels, while connecting with churches along the way. One of the big surprises from last year’s inaugural ride was the blessing of hospitality shown by so many people along the route with meals and lodging…the community of Christ extended their love as we together minister to our children in Haiti.  

Ohio to Erie ride
Adventure 2014:
Ohio to Erie
A 320 mile cycling experience 
from the Ohio River to Lake Erie
On September 1, 6 cyclists and a support vehicle will set out at their own pace across Ohio, gathering each evening for meals, worship, and fellowship.  Cyclists will stay with local church members or at hotels near the bike trail.  
Last year’s inaugural ride was a great event with our own Keith Dimbath, Work Team Director, leading evening devotions for the cyclists.

—————              How it works              —————
Riders and cyclists fund their personal trip and then collect donations to benefit the children in Lifeline’s ministries.  Each group is riding for a different cause: The Hogs for Haiti riders’ goal is to raise over $25,000 in donations for the completion of the new Children’s Home in Haiti.  Meanwhile, the Ohio to Erie cyclists are building 2 “Homes for Haiti” and assisting not-yet-sponsored children involved in Lifeline’s ministries. 
—————   You can make a difference!   —————

Donate to the cause

You can change a child’s life by supporting either group!  Have fun and donate per mile or day. 
Or simply donate $50, $100, or more.  
Any amount is greatly appreciated!

Donate today!

Join the ride

It’s not too late to join either event for a day or two or the entire trip!
Trip details and contact information are available on the event webpages listed below.

Trip details:

Bring awareness

It’s as simple as a few clicks of your mouse!  Follow “Hogs for Haiti” on Facebook; share this email with others (businesses, churches, etc) who may have a passion for kids; etc.
Spread the news:
100% of your donation benefits Lifeline’s ministry; riders in both events are paying their own expenses and are riding to bring awareness to the great needs of the children!
lavish God's love on the children


Lifeline Christian Mission   ||   Restoring hope among the nations 

Haiti | Honduras | El Salvador | Cuba | Panama | Guatemala | Navajo Nation | Canada | USA