Lifeline Christian Mission
a boy in Haiti
Two months ago on October 4, Hurricane Matthew made landfall in southwestern Haiti as a Category 4 hurricane.  The storm left communities and villages decimated. Winds, rains, and storm surges ripped up trees, flattened homes and swept gardens and livestock away. 
The Haitian villages did what they could to prepare, but simple Haitian homes were no match for the 145 mph winds and storm surges. 

Farther away from the eye of the hurricane, Lifeline’s Grand Goave campus and surrounding communities experienced torrential rains and high winds, which downed trees on buildings and homes and washed out roads.  But the damage was not as severe.
This allowed us to use our immediate resources to help our neighbors in need.
After ripping through Haiti, Hurricane Matthew then took aim for Cuba. The storm sat in Baracoa for more than 6 hours, causing unbelievable damage. Buildings and roads crumbled under the force of the storm.  It looked like a major earthquake had taken out parts of the city.
But in the devastation, God provided hope…
Because many people across the U.S. and Canada came together to pray and donate, immediate needs were met to help the people in Cuba and southwestern Haiti.  
Your hurricane relief donations have:

Met immediate needs through benevolence money, which was distributed to Cuban and Haitian families through Lifeline’s local churches.  This enabled families to purchase food, medicines, and basic life necessities lost in the hurricane.
Purchased and distributed local food (rice, beans, cooking oil, pasta) to hundreds of families in southwestern Haiti. The storm washed away crops and family gardens, leaving the remaining available food expensive. These meals have been a lifeline to the families who received them.
Shipped 12 containers to Haiti filled with supplies and 3+ million meals.  As these nutritious, rice-based meals arrive, they are bringing smiles and full bellies to thousands of families!
Replaced or repaired roofs so that families can begin to rebuild their lives and feel some measure of security. 
Rebuilt and repaired churches and schools in southwestern Haiti to enable communities to move forward.  Relief teams have been working directly in our Torbeck & Laregal communities.

Families in Haiti and Cuba have been blessed through your prayers and generosity.
Yet there is much more to do…
Families are still struggling:
Food is still scarce and hunger continues to be a daily problem in southwestern Haiti. The people are desperate and assistance has been limited.  Fear and darkness have descended on these communities and hold them captive. 
Make-shift houses are going up, but they’re constructed of sticks, tarps, and any materials that families can salvage.  These shelters will surely collapse in the next storm.
Employment opportunities are limited, which means parents don’t have the resources to provide food for their families, send their children to school, or rebuild safe homes for their families.  

We will continue relief efforts, but our long-term goal is development: to come alongside our Haitian staff and ministry partners to create solutions to empower the Haitian people.  
We’ve been on the ground in Haiti for over 35 years, working alongside the people, learning what works and doesn’t work within the culture.  We are taking this knowledge to build a long-term plan that goes beyond relief to begin rebuilding.
We’re not here to force anything…we’re simply coming alongside the Haitian people to share God’s love, give wings to their God-given abilities and empower them to reach their full potential in Christ.
As we work with our staff and ministry partners, we will continue to learn and be open to new ideas and initiatives to provide long-term solutions.
Southland Christian Church rebuilds the Laregal church
These long-term solutions are coming together.
These plans are being finalized and will be shared in early 2017.  You’ll have the opportunity to tangibly express God’s love to the people in southwestern Haiti through home building, micro grants, facility repair/rebuild, and replanting farms.  These initiatives will also bring employment opportunities.
There’s no doubt that this is an overwhelming task. The devastation is staggering and the road to recovery is long. By all appearances the deck is stacked against Haiti. But we serve a God who makes all things possible! We trust we will see God’s glory revealed in the aftermath of the hurricane.

It is in our biggest challenges that God provides the greatest opportunities.  So we are praying bold prayers…
Prayers that God opens doors for His love to pour through: 
That the hungry will be not just be fed but will have nutritious meals.  That the homeless will not just have shelter, but a safe, secure home.  That the naked would have a means to provide clothes and essentials for their families.  And that He opens hearts for faith to heal the brokenhearted and give hope to the oppressed all across Haiti.

Haitian girl
Will you join us daily at 4:18p to pray for God to open doors of opportunity to reach those in greatest need? 
Pray for the ongoing relief efforts, safety for the teams, wisdom for the plans that are being put into action, compassion for the Haitian and Cuban people, and resources for rebuilding.
Haitian boys
Luke 4:18 (NIV): 
Jesus proclaimed, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, 
because he anointed me to preach good news to the poor. 
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners 
and recovery of sight for the blind, 
to set the oppressed free. 
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 104, Westerville, OH 43081