Ministering to the Navajo
Join us as we praise God for this recent worship celebration that Brian Snyder, Lifeline’s Navajo Ministry Administrator, shares with us…


Hi there!

Navajo concert under the stars
Just wanted to share with you an incredible event that took place at Red Sands recently. 
Every year the Ministerial Association of Winslow (Arizona) holds a “Concert of Praise” to gather churches together and praise Jesus in unity.
This year, I convinced them to hold it at our Red Sands School & Church campus…
We sent flyers to area churches, advertised in the area paper, and sent asked churches for groups to perform at the Concert of Praise. Most pastors told me not to expect many since we are outside of town. They really thought it might be just a couple churches with about 20-30 in attendance.
Sunday night arrived. The flatbed trailer was our stage, decorated for fall.  The kids from the school also put together 100 luminary bags to line the driveway. At 5pm, churches and bands started to arrive. We had a Navajo food truck hand out food for free – just asking for donations if people could. We had a fire ring in the middle of the new softball field with a roaring bonfire for people to gather.  The stage was set with a sound system, instruments and mics.
Now we needed people.  And they came!
People kept flooding the area; we had over 200 people show up with 9 church groups performing. Eleven churches that we know of were represented: 3-4 Navajo churches from the Reservation, one church from Flagstaff, and several from Winslow. And then we worshiped!  We praised God for 2 1/2 hours into the night. It was incredible!  There was singing in Navajo and English and I am sure God was pleased!
As the emcee, I had the great opportunity to share about Lifeline and the ministry… now even more people know where we are and know about our ministry.  They also know about the school as the kids performed “Here I am to Worship” at the end of the night to close.
What an awesome, encouraging evening for all and we hope to keep this going year after year. 
Just wanted to share the awesome evening under the stars – Praising God… and still….Praise God!!!!

Lifeline Christian Mission   ||   Restoring hope among the nations 

Haiti | Honduras | El Salvador | Cuba | Panama | Guatemala | Navajo Nation | Canada | USA