2015 Women's team to Haiti
Ladies, you’re invited to join Lifeline’s 
annual women’s team to Haiti!  
You’ll serve and minister to the women in Lifeline’s churches, 
while distributing sponsor gifts to thousands of children!


January 7-16, 2015 
  • Distribute gifts to the sponsored children
  • Bless the Haitian ladies through the annual “Ladies Day” …a day to leave their cares at home and to feast on God’s Word! 
  • Distribute shoes to the needy
  • Shop for native crafts and gifts 


Theme: “Daughters of the King”
We are ordinary women in the hands of an extraordinary God and we will be reminded that our value comes from Christ alone.  He has selected us as His priceless possession.
Cost & Registration
$1875, which includes airfare, in-field travel, meals and dorm-style housing at Lifeline’s mission campus. 
Registration and $1000 deposit due by August 1 with the remaining $875 due by October 1. 
Late registration trip cost: $1950.

Reserve your space on the team! 

Last year’s trip filled up quickly, so don’t miss your chance!  Contact Cathi (Cathi@Lifeline.org or 614-794-0108) today!



If you are interested in joining us – even if you cannot commit at this time – 
would you please let us know?  We’d love to be praying for you!  
Simply drop a note to Cathi@Lifeline.org

Lifeline Christian Mission   ||   Restoring hope among the nations 

Haiti | Honduras | El Salvador | Cuba | Panama | Guatemala | Navajo Nation | Canada | USA


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