1 goal was reached and 1 to go!
In August, we had 2 pressing challenges: one goal was reached, while another is very close!
In just 3 clicks, you can help reach this goal!

child with globe
Updates from the mission field
Because you gave your time, prayers, and/or donations, Christ’s love is being expressed around the world!

It’s only because God is working through you…
God is doing so much through you! Your time serving, your prayers, and your donations are making a difference in lives around the world right now:
  • Children are sitting behind a school desk eager to learn.
  • God is worshiped in churches across 8 different countries.
  • Hungry bellies are filled with nutritious meals.
You see the big picture. You know it’s more than just “today” … it’s setting in motion the momentum to transform lives for eternity.

Lifeline Christian Mission
spark a life on mission for God. everyone. everywhere
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