This is not about me.
This is about a people I love,
bringing awareness to their beauty and dignity to their culture.
It’s about sharing love with them,
knowing we aren’t coming here to fix all of Haiti’s problems but to walk alongside them and say we see you, we hear you, we love you.
It’s about teaching, training and discipling, restoring hope…
and sometimes, even most of the time, they are the ones teaching us.
I share these photos with you not to puff myself up but to challenge you to walk alongside me and Lifeline, to do what we can. Sometimes doing what we can is the easy thing to do.
Doing what’s difficult is what God wants you to do.
Loving, giving and caring doesn’t have to just happen in Haiti…it should be happening everywhere! If we all did our share…would this world be a different place? I think…YES!