Running on a moving sidewalk

Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. – Philippians 2:2

Dear Mission,
The month of August has been such an eventful and exciting time.
This month our new Chief of Operations, Dr Girma Begashaw joined the LIA team. Dr. Girma has embraced the new post with a vigor and excitement that we are so pleased to have.

We have also had a few amazing spirit led meetings with some of our strategic partners and it has been awesome to watch how God has used those conversations to remind us how beautiful it is when all the parts of the body of Christ work together. He truly commands a blessing when we are united.
As the summer winds down and we approach September, between GMHC Africa 2015, trainings at the LIA Center and various events in the US, Africa and Caribbean country offices this month is gearing up to be the busiest of the year.

We feel such immense grace and favor from God about the activities ahead. It’s as if we’re running on a moving sidewalk. Even when we stop to catch our breath we’re still being carried forward by God’s favor. This is such an exciting time to serve and we’re so grateful to be aligned with his will.
As you remember us please pray:

  • For the numerous events and activities ahead of in September. Specifically, GMHC-Africa and the trainings taking place at the LIA Center in Kenya.
  • Pray for grace as we take on the busy schedule ahead of us this Fall season.
  • Pray for Dr. Girma Begashaw as he steps into his new role as the Chief of Operations. May God continue to use him to lead LIA and the country teams to a new level of depth and fruitfulness.

Thank you for your continued support.


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