A prayer for South Sudan

“Then he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit”
 James 5:18

In another week we will be launching our annual Spring Pledge Drive. As some of you know, each year we invite the LIA Family to commit to coming alongside the ministry with a monthly gift to equip local churches in the hurting communities— like the communities in South Sudan.

South Sudan is still in the throws of civil war with very little progress towards resolution being made. This is forcing both parties to try to negotiate a peace deal once again and avoid a drawn-out conflict. With the heavy spring rains approaching however, many expect much of the fighting to subside. Because of it’s poor infrastructure, South Sudan is nearly impassible during the rainy season which means troop movements are at a stand still. So we thank God for the rains!
Since LIA’s first program was implemented in South Sudan hundreds of thousands of people have received primary health care and health education. About 900 families have been economically empowered through micro-loans and 200 churches in 75 communities have been trained and empowered—becoming places of transformation. We thank God for these victories because despite the conflict we have been able to see communities transformed. 
God is doing a mighty work in South Sudan and as you take time to pray for LIA today, please pray that:

  • As the opposing factions gather together to negotiate a peace deal that is a sustainable and lasting peace.
  • Friends of LIA will generously respond to the Spring Pledge Drive—allowing us to pursue the work in South Sudan and other hard places to the advancement of God’s Kingdom.

Thank you for standing with us, and with our sisters and brothers in the nation of South Sudan. May we see God use us to continue to do great and mighty things in this nation.
In Christ,

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