Thank you for praying alongside the LIA team and for carrying this burden with us.

Transform. Together.

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! – Ecclesiastics 4:9-10

The year 2014 saw South Sudan plunge into civil war and the speed and intensity of the war saw families torn apart and many displaced.

Because of the instability and insecurity, hope and meaningful engagement in South Sudan is at a low level. If there was a time we needed to support our brothers and sisters in South Sudan, it’s now. We are engaged in this through our annual Spring Pledge Drive. This year we have set out to equip local churches not only in South Sudan but Sudan as well, to serve the weary, broken and seemingly destitute.

Since LIA first started working in Sudan and South Sudan we have seen thousands of lives touched and numerous communities transformed. Through all of this we are so grateful for all the people who supported our work and partnered with us along the way.  

However, one of the challenges we face as we approach the summer months is this is usually a time of year where donations lag behind. So pray with us during this time God may move people to partner with us in this year’s Spring Pledge Drive as we come along side the local church and empower them to do a transformative work. 

It is by your prayers that this ministry is upheld and I thank God that we can walk this journey together. 
In Christ,

Copyright © 2012 Life In Abundance. All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
1907 Ascension Blvd | Suite 240 | Arlington | TX 76006
Our giving address is:
PO Box 660367 | Dallas | TX 75266