Dear friends in world mission,

Thank you for walking alongside LIA as we restore life to the world’s hard to reach places!

God’s heart for the most vulnerable is pervasive in scripture. It’s particularly in our minds in this season when we celebrate how Jesus left His place at the Father’s side to become flesh, to suffer and die and, thereby, win our redemption. Throughout His life, Jesus’ call to His followers to serve the least of these is clear. For my part, no sacrifice is too large to equip persecuted, underground, or restricted churches to become beacons of hope and eternal transformation for those who need it most.

As we enter the Christmas season, I’m reaching out with a specific request. I’d like to invite you to prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift to enable this work. I ask you to search your hearts and reflect on how you might be able to help equip the local church in one of the five restricted or closed countries that LIA serves in, to transform the lives of at-risk and vulnerable children living in unstable conditions in a meaningful way. God calls us to take part in His transformation work and promises that we, too, will be transformed in the process.

Come alongside LIA as we 
Transform. Together.

Help us equip the persecuted local church to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and change their communities for the long-term.

Help us serve these broken and desperate children and transform their futures.

Thank you for considering this special opportunity and for choosing to walk alongside LIA and its church partners. This work would not be possible without your partnership.


Florence Muindi, MD, MPH
Founding President/CEO
Life In Abundance

NEED: $23,000
To train 20 churches throughout five restricted countries to meet the needs of their vulnerable communities for the long-term.


Will train an entire church on how to implement transformational development programs in their community.


Will enable one LIA team member to walk alongside and support two churches for a month.


NEED: $316,700
To enable hundreds of hurting children and families to participate in one of seven church-led Orphans and Vulnerable Children programs for one year.


Will enable two families to learn the skills and tools necessary to provide for themselves next year.


For one child to participate in the program and receive shelter, food, education and medical care for all of 2015.


Copyright © *2014* *Life In Abundance International*, All rights reserved.

Mailing address is:
1907 Ascension Blvd | Suite 240 | Arlington | TX 76006
Giving address is:
PO Box 660367 | Dallas | TX 75266