Into The Deep 

*Envisioning Seminar in Cyangugu, Rwanda 

And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”  – Luke 5:4


A week ago I traveled to Cyangugu, Rwanda located on the South eastern tip of the Rwanda near the Congo border.
Cyangugu town hugs the banks of lake Kivu, and every morning you can hear the fishermen singing as they bring in the days catch. Like the fishermen, the joy that fills me makes me sing.
What I experienced can be likened to when Jesus asked the disciples to go out into the deep to cast their nets. Indeed, a year ago, the Lord guided with clarity that it was time for LIA to expand its ministry into the Great Lakes region (Burundi, Rwanda, DRC Congo, Uganda). Beyond doubt, he pointed to the location and the initiative to be done.
It was not clear how the Lord would make this happen. But over the course of the year, the Lord made connections and brought provisions that can only be described as divinely ordained.  This ultimately led to me visiting Cyangugu again, not to hear God but this time to do his work, carried by his grace.
Last week I facilitated an envisioning seminar for close to 50 local pastors from several local churches who are passionate to follow the call of John 10:10 and bring transformational development to the poor. It turns out, these church pastors represent the region and God is giving us open doors in Rwanda but also Burundi, Uganda and Congo from this one strategic location.  Our net brought up much more than we expected.  In every other case before now, when God has given us a country He has also raised up a country director to provide specific leadership.  Just as God has given us a location from which we can effectively serve a region that touches four countries, He has also brought to us Mahirwe Obadias who is qualified to lead as a Regional Director—with all the qualifications, cultural understanding and relationships to launch the work forward. It was such a blessed time and we thank God for the doors he’s opening.
So as you take time remember us in prayer today:

  • Celebrate God with us for the doors he’s opening in Rwanda and the rest of the Great Lakes region.
  • Pray for our new Regional coordinator in Rwanda, Mahirwe Obadias, as he equips pastors to better impact their communities.
  • Pray also for the ongoing Spring Pledge Drive.  This is just one of the ways we invite friends to join in helping to provide for the work. Ask that God will provide for his work, generously.

Grateful you pray with us. Every blessing, 
In Christ,

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