LIA June News & Events


As we finish the first half of the year, there are a lot of exciting opportunities to partner with LIA. Be sure to mark your calendars and join us as we continue to Transform. Together. this summer.

Here are a few ways to engage with LIA this month:

  • Take a tour of the LIA Center, Kenya
  • Learn how God is moving through the local church in Cairo
  • Save The Date: GMHC Africa is less than 4 months away
  • Discover how LIA – Kenya is developing a new healthcare strategy

We are grateful for your partnership and support of the ministry and we look forward to connecting with you this summer.

-The LIA Team

Transform. Together. this Christmas

Tour: LIA Center, Kenya

Earlier this month Life In Abundance Center, Kenya opened its doors to host it’s first ever seminar! 

With bookings starting to fill up through the summer the LIA Center is turning into a bee hive of activity. 

Take a virtual tour of the LIA Center Training Block

Watch Dr. Muindi’s interview during the February 7th Dedication Ceremony

Save The Date: GMHC – Africa

Registration for the third annual Global Missions Health Conference (GMHC) Africa is still running.

Join hundreds of like-minded missions-oriented people, churches and organizations in Nairobi, Kenya on September 10th – 12th.

Register for GMHC Africa 2015 today!

Watch highlights from GMHC 2014

Letter of Reflection and Thanksgiving

Read: Beyond Relief

The Spring Issue of Beyond Relief is out! Learn how LIA is changing the lives of orphans and vulnerable children through the local church in Cairo, how dignity is being restored to lepers in Ethiopia as well as updates from LIA countries across Africa and the Caribbean!

Check out the Spring Issue of Beyond Relief 


Learn: About LIA – Kenya’s new healthcare strategy 

As the the Kenyan government takes up its responsibility to provided affordable primary healthcare to the poorest of the poor in Kenya’s urban and rural slums LIA Kenya is taking on a new healthcare strategy to better serve the local community. 

Read the story here

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1907 Ascension Blvd | Suite 240 | Arlington | TX 76006
Our giving address is:
PO Box 660367 | Dallas | TX 75266