Faith that pleases God 

*Training Wing of LIA Center, Kenya.

I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed but will have sufficient courage. – Phil 1:20a 

Just last week, Ndemo, a friend of mine visited us at the LIA HQ offices in Nairobi. He was physically moved as he witnessed what God has done for LIA. Ndemo was with us in 2004 when God spoke about some things that were held up in faith, then, and have now become substance. As he sat in our now fully functional HQ offices, coordinating the work in 12 countries, he was in awe.

12 years ago, Ndemo helped us register LIA Kenya and was the first interim Country Director. As we sat together I shared what the Lord had done since that time.  Ndemo could not stop thanking God with me. As he and I walked over, to the adjacent training wing of the LIA Center, he was freshly taken aback. He exclaimed; “Florence, if this is LIA today, there is certainly a God in Heaven!” Yes, I agree. There is a God in heaven and this far, he has brought us. To Him be all the glory. When we put our Trust in Him, he does not put us to shame.  He watches over His word to fulfill it. Faith pleases our Father.
In the same disposition of faith, we step out. 2016 marks the last year of LIA’s 2014 – 2016 strategic plan. Last week I shared an overview of some of the activities LIA hopes to plough through in 2016 and if I were to sum up our assignments for this year they would be three:

  1. To deepen our impact in the current countries and establish the work of our training centers. 
  2. To further develop and expand our partner relationships. 
  3. To complete the remaining parts of our 2014-2016 strategic plan.    

This vision will guide our 2016 activities. It is our eager expectation and hope that we will serve our King well, as the LIA family.

As you take time to commit this vision to the Lord this week, please pray that we diligently fulfill our assignments and continue to be a testimony to the wonder and glory of God! 

In Christ

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