Established in Understanding

“By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established;by knowledge the rooms are filledwith all precious and pleasant riches.” Proverbs 24.3-4

Grace and peace to you!

As you know, we are anxiously anticipating the grand opening of the LIA International Training Center in Nairobi happening in just a few weeks! On February 7th church partners from around the world, from all over Kenya, and from the local communities we serve will be joining us for the dedication of this center, and it’s purpose, to Christ. We know that this day will be moving and pray that it will be God glorifying in every way. There is still a lot to be done before we reach the dedication and I ask that you join us in praying over this important chapter in LIA’s history.

Progress has been nothing short of amazing, but final touches such as furniture, decorations, and dedication day logistics are still in progress and we want to make sure that everything is taken care of before the big day.

Pray that the Lord will fill the training center with furnishings and that his glory will settle in the building before, and long after, our dedication ceremony. Pray that all details for the ceremony will be worked out and that everyone in attendance will have a wonderful time of fellowship. Ask that we would continue to listen to God’s guidance as we complete the physical building and begin to use it to declare his glory among the nations through training local leaders in transformational development. Pray that this training center would remain firmly rooted in the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I thank you all for walking alongside us in prayer and for your encouraging messages last week regarding the new year. We are so blessed to have such faithful supporters. May God continue to bless you.

In Christ,


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