A Bold New Year

“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left, and your offspring will possess the nations and will people the desolate cities. Fear not, for you will not be ashamed; be not confounded, for you will not be disgraced.” Isaiah 54.3-4a

Welcome to 2015! I pray your Christmas and your New Year celebrations were restful, joy-filled and blessed with God’s presence. This year holds great promise for blessing on the LIA family and those he has called us to serve. There is indeed reason for us to continue celebrating as we start the year together because God has a very special season ahead for LIA.

Before I share the exciting plans God has for us this year, I would like to take a moment to reflect on 2014 and count our blessings in joyful thanksgiving. It was made evident throughout the year that God was and is faithful! These are just a few of the highlights:

  • Joseph and Alice Mulaa successfully completed their LIA assignment in Jamaica and our Jamaica board, staff, and church partners are in place to continue the Training Center work and begin implementing transformational development.
  • The second annual GMHC-Africa was a great success. Many doctors, ministry leaders and medical students committed their lives to serve Africa through transformational development. We were blessed to host this kingdom event and look forward to the next conference later this year.
  • The LIA training center in Kenya, the biggest LIA capital project ever and the future home of LIA HQ, has progressed non-stop and is set for opening and dedication on Feb 7th, 2015.
  • Praise worthy ministry impact was reported in Haiti, Jamaica, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somaliland. We also now have partnerships that will enable us to begin work in a closed East African country and the lakes region (Rwanda specifically).
  • The LIA Staff was spared of tragedies, accidents, imprisonment, and prolonged hospitalization for ill health. This is the doing of the Lord, given the locations and kind of ministry work we carry out.

As we look forward into the new year, God has given the ministry two scriptures that will mark our work in 2015: Isaiah 54 and Haggai 2.4-9

Our Father, the Lord of hosts, has made it clear that 2015 is a season for new growth for LIA, a season of fearlessness. He has promised that we will not be shamed or humiliated or faced with reproach as we carry out his will. He is urging us to be strong and get to work, knowing that the Spirit will always be with us. The Lord has told us to not fear. He will fill the work of LIA with his glory. He will provide for the ministry, because all of the riches of the earth belong to him. The level of glory he is inviting us to is much greater than what we have seen, and in this new level, he will give us peace.

I am greatly encouraged as we begin this new season and I ask that you pray with me as our staff begin their assignments for 2015. Ask that the Lord would equip our staff with faith and fill them with his power and authority to carry out the work. Pray that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit to serve well and opened wide to receive the Lord’s favor and sure promise of greatness in this next season. Pray that LIA would rise up and shine for the Kingdom in dark and hard to reach places, that the LORD would bless us and keep us. That the LORD make his face shine on us and be gracious to us; May the LORD turn his face toward us in 2015 and give us peace. Yes, May the Lord richly bless LIA and our faithful supporters this year.

In Christ,

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