Prayers Against War and Famine

“In famine he will redeem you from death, and in war from the power of the sword.” Job 5.20

As you may know, some of the countries that we work in experience ongoing conflict and turmoil. Thankfully, God has favored LIA and allowed us to serve in these difficult regions, such as South Sudan and Somalia.  Other organizations have experienced challenges with the violence that persists in these two countries, but His hand has protected us and allowed us to continue in the work of transformation. We give thanks for this.
However, as I write, both of these countries are facing growing food crises. In South Sudan, the ongoing violence and constant migration has prevented the majority of the agrarian population from planting their crops, which means very little food will be produced in time for the later months of the year. The UN is working on securing food aid for the region, but the impact of the shortage is difficult to predict at this time.
In Somalia, drought has prevented the country from producing normal amounts of food and violence that surrounds the transport of food aid has limited proper distribution. Many global experts fear that the famine the country experienced in 2011 will repeat again this year, with potentially more devastating effects.
In desperate times like these, we can only rely on God to provide and bring healing to the land and His people. Pray that our Lord would uphold the church in these regions, so that they may be able to serve their communities, and one another, in this time of difficulty. Pray that He would clearly show LIA how we are to support and advocate for the local church during this time. Ask that He would alleviate the suffering of our brothers and sisters in South Sudan and Somalia, providing sustainable solutions which will redeem them from both physical and spiritual famine and warfare.

Join me in holding up community and political leaders in prayer as they work through these times of insecurity. Pray that God would guide them and use them in His divine plans for these embattled regions. And most importantly, hold up the most vulnerable, as they undoubtedly take the hardest hit during these times. Pray that Jesus would cover them with divine protection, sustain their bodies and spirits, and give them comfort in these discouraging times.

Thank you for walking with LIA and interceding for our brothers and sisters during these trying times.

In Christ,

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