Praise and Thanksgiving

“Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name;
make known his deeds among the peoples!”
1 Corinthians 16.8

I want to take this morning to reflect on God’s goodness towards LIA and our partners. We have truly experienced God’s favor throughout our many years working to bring abundant life to the most vulnerable throughout East Africa and the Caribbean. 

We bear witness to:

  • the freedom to work in restricted countries—gaining favor with government leaders
  • resources to have served thousands of orphans and street children for more than a decade
  • highly talented staff and volunteers that  give so much to serve the least of these
  • the thousands of people who have regained their dignity and become “Oaks of Righteousness” (Isaiah 61:3)
  • the sustaining partners that have helped carry the ministry to where we are today

All of these are amazing gifts that we recognize only God could give us. Please join me this morning in joyfully giving thanks to our Lord for his great works and favor, and petition Him in these three areas:  
Our LIA staff members serving on the front lines often face danger and struggles as they respond to God’s call. Join me in praising God for the protection He has allotted our brave and faithful staff as they continue to serve, and pray that they would be continually covered and encouraged by the Spirit.  Pray for God’s direction, security and strength.
The second annual GMHC-Africa was a huge success. All of the sessions were impactful and the Spirit moved many medical professionals, community development workers, and students to give or recommit their lives and careers to Christ. We offer praise for the opportunity to be a part of this conference, to empower and commission the next generation.  Pray that God confirms the call on those who committed their lives in service, and gives them encouragement as they step out in obedience.

Summer is our busiest season for short-term teams. This summer alone we hosted 12 teams in four different countries, and all of them experienced safe travels and stays. We are so grateful for the Lord’s protection over those He called to work alongside us and experience transformational development first-hand. Pray that He would continue to protect those that travel to serve throughout the rest of this year.
We give thanks for the many wondrous deeds the Lord has accomplished in and through LIA, and will continue to declare His good works among the people we serve and encounter.

Thank you so much for joining us in this praise, and for continually upholding the ministry in prayer.

In Christ,

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