Praying for Blessings Over 2014

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8

Dear Mission,

I pray you are well, rejuvenated and energized for the new year. As we journey forward in our third decade of serving the Kingdom, we are ever grateful for the ways the Lord has provided for this ministry. Each year, we find ourselves reinvigorated by the opportunities He puts before us to serve those He loves so dearly.

Will you join the LIA team in praying the Lord’s continues blessings over the ministry this year? Here are a few areas that are at the forefront of our prayers right now:

  • Just as David’s engagement with Goliath signified a defining moment in his life, we sense 2014 is a year that will define our destiny significantly, as God leads us through challenges to new places of ministry. Join us in praying each step of the way that all we do is glorifying to Him.
  • Specifically, pray for the ongoing work in Sudan and South Sudan in the midst of conflict and political uncertainty. We give thanks that God has protected our staff and the work in the midst of instability, and we continue to depend on His provision.
  • Join us in prayer for new and creative partnerships like our new relationship withHomes of Living Hope. Homes of Living Hope converts shipping containers into useful resources and place them around the world.  In the early spring, they will be deploying a shipping container that has been converted into a fully stocked, self-contained, solar-powered medical clinic. It will ship to Nairobi for use in community where LIA currently works.
  • God is calling LIA into new territory—specifically Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and D.R. Congo. We depend on the Lord to provide the financial provision for this expansion and to assemble a team of people who are equally yolked to this cause. Pray as we listen to hear His specific direction.

Thank you for joining us in this great work. We pray that your year is truly blesses.

Yours in Christ,


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