Prayers for the Unsettled

“In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the Lord at its border. It will be a sign and a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt. When they cry to the Lord because of oppressors, he will send them a savior and defender, and deliver them. Isaiah 19:19-20

Greetings Mission,

The unrest in countries across the world seems to come in waves, with a new wave beginning now once again. This week, protests took place in Ukraine and delicate peace deals hung by a thread; protests in Venezuela resulted in violent deaths and normal life coming to a halt; and close to home for LIA – violence and unrest in Egypt and Somalia brought continued struggle for these hurting people.

The Bible tells us that there will be times like this – unsettled and full of tribulation. Both believers and non-believers will suffer. But we know the end of the story – the Lord will redeem His Kingdom for His glory. Scripture tells us this. And what does experience tell us? Experience tells us that, when things are most difficult, the church grows most rapidly. This is why some are said to pray in ways such as, “Father, let this be a good persecution.” Especially during times of trials, it is our duty to remain faithful to His charge.

In the struggling countries where LIA serves, our staff has been blessed with safety and God’s guidance for continuing the work. As our staff begins navigating the challenges that lie ahead, please join us in prayer over our staff, the community beneficiaries, and the countries.

  • Ask the Lord to clothe our staff in the whole armor of God to go boldly forth and carry out the work He has ordained for the region. Pray that they would be granted protection during this time, and that they would remain constant in prayer, so as to discern God’s guidance.
  • Please pray for the safety of the communities that we serve. This unrest disrupts their daily lives and prevents them from reaching their full potential, or living abundant life. Ask that God would continue to protect them while multiplying the work already begun in their hearts and minds. Ask also that the communities continue to support the staff and work of LIA.
  • Pray against violence or uncivil protests that result in loss of lives, property and hope.
  • Pray over the current national leaders, local representatives and all others in high positions as they continue to work towards a stable government solution for all citizens of these struggling countries.
  • This is a time for God’s love and power to be made evident. May He be glorified in all acts, large and small, to restore peace and empower the most vulnerable in this time of uncertainty across the globe.

We know that God cares deeply for all His people – both believers and nonbelievers alike, and that his divine plans for peace and restoration are far beyond anything we could imagine. He will deliver His people as He promised. May LIA be used by our heavenly Father to achieve His purposes in the country.

Thank you for upholding these items in prayer.

In Christ,

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