LIA October News & Events


So much has happened this month! We hope you’ll take a moment to reflect with us, and we hope that you are able to join us in this next month as we travel to various conferences:

  • Meet with LIA during the breakout sessions at GMHC or ICOM in November
  • Celebrate progress made on the International HQ and Training Center
  • Share beautiful photography that shows realities and opportunities in LIA countries
  • Learn about progress in one of LIA’s original countries: Ethiopia

Thank you for praying and partnering with us as we continue to Transform. Together.

Is there something else you want to hear more about? Send us a note.

-The LIA Team

Transform. Together. this Christmas

Attend: GMHC and ICOM

At the beginning of next month, LIA will be participating in two of the most important missions conferences in the US: The Global Missions Health Conference (Nov. 6-8) in Louisville, KY and the International Conference on Missions (Nov. 13-16) in Kansas City.

If you’re attending either conference, be sure to join LIA’s breakout sessions and also stop by our booths to say hello! Click on either link below for details:


We look forward to seeing you there!

LIA HQ in Texas

Share: Beauty from LIA Countries

As the holiday season approaches, consider sharing the message of restoration and transformation with your friends and family through the story God has already started in Africa.

With beautiful and compelling professional photography, our A Glimpse of South Sudan and Urban and Rural Hope books depict the realities and opportunities faced by the people in the countries that LIA serves.

Both are a wonderful way to share Christ’s message of reconciliation and support transformational development during this holiday season.

Start the conversation today.

Letter of Reflection and Thanksgiving

Celebrate: LIA Karen Training Center

LIA will be opening a new international Training Center in Karen, Nairobi Kenya February of 2015. This center will multiply our capacity to share our transformational development model for leaders from across Africa and around the world.

Everything is set for our February 2015 grand opening, and our team recently finished all of the construction. View the progress here!

We consider this model, and this opportunity to train others, to be a gift that God has entrusted to us. It is His and, as such, we humbly steward it.

Update: Progress in Ethiopia

As we continue to make progress in the country of Ethiopia, we would like to take a moment to look back and highlight what God has made possible with water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) projects in the country.

Rejoice with us as we reflect on a successful and, now, sustainable WASH project in the Kirkos slum community of Addis Ababa and as we look forward to the future success of the WASH program in the Kolfe Keranyo slum community.

Read about progress in Ethiopia

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1907 Ascension Blvd | Suite 240 | Arlington | TX 76006
Our giving address is:
PO Box 660367 | Dallas | TX 75266