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Prayers for the Vulnerable

“Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4.4

Greetings Mission,

Life In Abundance is called to serve the poor and vulnerable. The spirit of God is very tender towards our activities with orphans and vulnerable children. I want to give pause and pray for this key beneficiary groups.

We have been called to serve the least of these, and all too often that means children. Among the poor, children take the direct impact of adversity. We know that God is concerned deeply for these who are exposed to the elements and societal evils that strip their sense of dignity and ability to have life abundantly as He intended.

Whenever we enter a new community, the local church partner(s) almost always identifies these children as one of their most pressing needs. In providing our local church partners with biblical based training on how to best serve and help heal these little ones, and address the root causes of their plight, we are able to provide for their physical, emotional and educational needs in a way that fosters lasting transformation and is culturally relevant and  sustainable by the church long after LIA reduces its involvement. When the church helps shape these children, it helps shape the future of the community into one that glorifies God.

Will you join us in praying for these precious children and the local church partners who serve them? We are privileged to server these children alongside the church.

  • Pray the Lord would reveal the local pastors and volunteers the best course of action and restoration for each program and child.
  • Pray over each child enrolled in these programs – ask that they would all realize their worth in Jesus and come to live a fulfilled life in devotion to Him.
  • We know that these children are dear to the heart of our Lord and ask that you pray for the continued provision of resources needed to carry out these programs and begin new ones.
  • Currently, LIA is only able to serve a small portion of these hurting youth in Africa and the Caribbean. We know the Lord has called us to expand our ministry model to new areas. Please pray for those children and communities that have yet to be reached, petitioning the Lord to prepare their hearts and minds for the transformation He has planned for them.
  • Ask that we would be fully reliant on God for His direction as we expand, trusting that what He has commissioned He will accomplish and provide for. Pray also that all future beneficiaries would be protected and have patience in the interim period, however lengthy.

Thank you for praying these things with us.

In Christ,

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1907 Ascension Blvd | Suite 240 | Arlington | TX 76006
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