Thankful We Serve Together

“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by eachother’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:11-12

A few weeks ago, an American  medical team joined our staff in Kibera, Kenya, to hold a dental clinic and assist the medical clinic staff with patient load. There was a huge turnout and the community was truly blessed by the team and clinic staff. Many who were not members of our partner churches in the slum, or have never even heard of the clinic or LIA, stopped by out of curiosity to see what all of the “mzungus” (foreigners) were doing, and ended up receiving check-ups or medical and dental attention. Clinic regulars and church community members also came through to receive the specialized dental care. And even after the team’s departure, unreached members of the community visited the clinic that they had heard abuzz.

Though the team was with us only a short while, the positive impact that they made was so beneficial for the local churches and the clinic’s sustainability and performance. Dozens of new patients were seen and many were able to hear about the Lord during their wait or appointment. Spiritual seeds were planted and LIA’s local church partners will now be able to nurture those individuals, to ensure those seeds take root. For this we praise God!

Additionally, the staff members of the clinic in Kibera were able to encourage and be encouraged by the visiting medical team. They prayed and served together, growing closer as brothers and sisters in Christ and refreshing one another.

It is for this mutual encouragement, increased impact, and spiritual and professional exchange that LIA continues to host teams. Over 20 teams have serve alongside us this year already and 10 more are scheduled still. Pray that God would continue to use short term missions teams for positive and lasting impact on all parties involved. Ask that He would guide us as we prepare for next year’s teams and that those whom He has called to serve would respond confidently. 

Please join me in thanking God for pulling on the heart strings of those in the US to travel to our country offices in service of Him, as well as for those in the communities we serve who volunteer and tirelessly work to continue the community transformation. We give praise for the vision and model the Lord has provided our ministry, which allows brothers and sisters from around the world to serve the least of these in a manner that is beneficial and sustainable for the community as a whole – that we may Transform. Together.

Thank you for joining me in praying over our teams and for celebrating the positive impact that they have.

In Christ,

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