LIA April News & Events

Easter and the Spring season bring to mind new life. Jesus died and was resurrected so that we can have fullness of life. And as the Spring rain and the warm April sun meet with creation, flowers and plants bloom. In many ways, this season parallels the transformational work taking place in the communities where LIA serves – God’s Love and Truth taking root, resulting in new life.

As time goes by, we are more and more aware of how essential you are to this work. We thank you for your dedication to serving with us.

Here are a few ways to partner and engage with LIA this month:

If you are interested in learning more about how you, your church or organization can partner with LIA, please contact us at or by phone (626 213 2203). We welcome the opportunity to know you better!

-The LIA Team

Transform. Together. this Christmas

Pledge: To Transform Together This Spring

During our fourth annual Spring Pledge Drive, will you commit to walking alongside LIA to help our local church partners serve the most vulnerable?

Our goal during this pledge drive is to raise enough support to enable 250 families to be transformed this year.

Pledge now

LIA HQ in Texas

Learn: Momentum Across the World

Earlier this month, David Willis, president of National Christian Foundation, presented details about the tremendous progress being made by ministries across the world.

Based on this, it isn’t too much to envision a day without poverty, a day where people are able to live more of the life God intended. Inspiring!

Watch the 30-minute presentation now

Letter of Reflection and Thanksgiving

Attend: GMHC Africa September 4 & 5

Registration for the second annual Global Missions Health Conference (GMHC) Africa is now open!

Join hundreds of like-minded missions-oriented people, churches and organizations in Nairobi, Kenya, September 4 & 5.

Register now
Learn more about this year’s conference

Progress: LIA’s Training Center

If you recall, last month we celebrated the opportunity to place God at the foundation of our new training center when we placed laminated copies of LIA’s founding verses.

This month, we are celebrating the progress of the construction— more than 20% completed so far!

Read the details now
Give to support the construction now

Copyright © 2013. Life In Abundance, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
1907 Ascension Blvd | Suite 240 | Arlington | TX 76006
Our giving address is:
PO Box 660367 | Dallas | TX 75266