Join us in praying for Sudan as a nation!
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In righteousness you shall be established; you shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; and from terror, for it shall not come near you.
Isaiah 54:14

Go Together for His Glory

Dear Mission,

As we continue to reflect upon the words of the prophet Isaiah, let us meditate on the two-fold Word  the Lord has given us for 2018: you will be established & there will be no strife. God is good and faithful to bring his work to completion. May we trust his plan for LIA and walk faithfully with him as we pray for Sudan as a nation this week:

1. As a Nation: Pray that the Church in Sudan would obey the Lord and implement His commands. Plead also that efforts toward peace would resume and that humanitarian aid would be delivered to those in need. 
2. Praise for ProgramsGive thanks for the successful training of 45 women on the topics of both food production and hand craft. We praise God for working through us to empower these women!
3. Requests for Programs: Ask the Lord for the strength to work on the Eritrean Church & sports club. Pray also that LIA-Sudan would find favor before the authorities while engaging with them.
4. Partnerships: Pray that God would allow a promised partnership with an international NGO to be fulfilled once the economic sanction is lifted from Sudan. 

Thank you for joining the LIA family in praying for Sudan!

In Christ,

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