Join us in praying for LIA-HQ!
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It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

Deuteronomy 31: 8

Go Together for His Glory


Dear Mission,

As we join together this week to pray for our Headquarters in Nairobi, let us be reminded that, in all of our work, it is the Lord who goes before us and prepares the way. It is because of this promise that we go forth in confidence and without fear stewarding the gift that LIA is in communities throughout Africa and the Caribbean. He is with us, He has gone before us, and He will not forsake us. Be reassured of this promise as we join to pray for LIA-HQ:

  1. Chief Operations: Thank God for the launch of the Lakes Region ministry with representatives in each of the four countries (Burundi, DR Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda). Pray for fruit and salvation to come in each of these countries through our work there.
  2. HQ Programs: Pray for the Local Resource Mobilization (LRM) Department. Ask for wisdom as we lay the groundwork strategy, tools, and framework for LRM. Pray that the Lord will help us capture His mind for LRM and that his name would be glorified in all that we do.
  3. Human Resources: Praise God for our new staff He’s provided us. Lift them up to the Lord and pray that they would serve wholeheartedly, each with their unique giftings, for the glory of God.
  4. Training Center: Pray for the Muslim Evangelical Training (MET) for medical professionals this June. Ask that God would use this to further his kingdom amongst Muslim brothers. 
  5. HQ Project: Give thanks that the food container donated by a US church partner was successfully delivered to Narok and that the community has taken full ownership of this project, exemplifying the LIA model. Pray for wisdom and discernment in allocating resources throughout the community. 

Thank you for joining the LIA family in praying for LIA-HQ!

In Christ,

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