Join us as we lift up our brothers and sisters in Kenya.
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Prayer requests from Kenya

Dear Mission,

Thank you all for praying for me as I have been traveling in the UK. My focus has been Scotland and Northern England and I could not be more fulfilled by what God is unfolding. Thank you for praying for LIA Europe. Please join me in giving thanks to God—specifically for what has been accomplished this far; too many to write in an email. Below is a list of prayer items from our Kenya office.

Join us in praying for:

  1. The Kenya General Elections –  In exactly one week, Kenya will be holding presidential elections as well as all other political seats. Pray the elections will be free, fair and credible and Kenyans will elect leaders of integrity that usher in a season of peace and prosperity. Pray for peace and a credible outcome for the elections.
  2. KISUMU – Pray for God to direct us to churches in Manyatta who will understand the vision, accept it, and walk with us successfully during entry phase. Pray for peace in Kisumu during this time of elections. Pray for protection over school children during August holidays. 
  3. MBEERE – Pray for unity among group members and for community members to have the heart to carry each other’s burden. Pray for favor with other community stakeholders as we seek partnerships through networking. 
  4. MATHARE – Pray for God’s healing power over 2 orphans and 1 guardian admitted to the hospital.

Thank you for joining the LIA family
in praying for Kenya today.

In Christ,

Our Wholistic Transformational Development Model
Phase 3 – Training Center
What is Transformational Development?
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