Join LIA as we restore health, renew hope and inspire lasting transformation for Africa’s most vulnerable families and children.

LIA February News & Events


LIA has a lot going on this short month! Some ways you can engage with us in the next few weeks are:

  • Read about the Murage’s journey from illness and debt to entrepreneurship
  • Watch how Pastor Michael Nyanga brought transformation to his community
  • Follow LIA on Instagram to get updates directly from the field
  • As you start to make room for Spring, give your household in-kind gifts to LIA!

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend and month sharing time with the ones you love!

With care,
-The LIA Team

Is there something else you want to hear more about? Send us a note.

Pastor Emmanton Murage

Read: From Illness to Entrepreneurship

The Murage family learned of a horrible medical condition just in time, but it cost them almost everything they had. After participating in an LIA initiative, both husband and wife are running their own businesses and the family is thriving.

Read about their journey

LIA Instagram

Follow: LIA on Instagram

Get pictures and real-time updates from the field as our communications liaison travels to different country offices to capture the story on the ground.

Follow the journey today!

Pastor Michael Nyanga

Watch: Pstr. Michael + the Local Church

LIA helped Pastor Michael see that he could meet both the physical and spiritual needs of his community. Watch him tell the full story of how transformation was brought to his corner of Kibera, Kenya.

See Pastor Michael’s interview here

Give: Household In-Kind Gifts

On average, each household in the US has two to three unused cellphones worth $10 lying around. Even more e-waste goes unrecycled, but now you can turn that in for good! Donate your unused electronic devices to LIA today.

Get a head start on Spring Cleaning!

Copyright © 2014. Life In Abundance, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
1907 Ascension Blvd | Suite 240 | Arlington | TX 76006
Our giving address is:
PO Box 660367 | Dallas | TX 75266