They shall mount up with wings like eagles. 

“but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” – Isaiah 40: 31

Last week marked the end of two months of visits to partners and friends of this ministry across the United States. With Louisville, Kentucky being my base I traveled to connect with several partners and enjoyed such wonderful times of prayer and fellowship. This is a testimony to the power, favor  and wonder of God. Earlier this year I felt that God was brining LIA into a new season of depth and impact and everyday of the last two months has been such a great affirmation of that word.

Please join me to give thanks and celebrate what God is doing.
As I settled back in Kenya and in our HQ here in Nairobi I realized that didn’t feel spent or drained after all the activities of the last two months and I know it was because of your prayers and God’s grace. Thank you for praying. God hears and answers well. To him be the glory.
Looking at all that has been done over these two months,  I could not have made it through without the wonderful team effort of the LIA staff team. This awesome group of people are truly called by God and believe in the mission and vision of LIA. They work tirelessly to ensure that the least of these across the nations can live more abundant lives and I thank God for them because,together, we have become family.
Today as you take time to pray for LIA, I kindly ask that you to remember the individuals that make up this staff team and their families. My prayer is that despite some of the difficult situations and circumstances they may find themselves in because of the places we serve, that the Lord may continue to keep them safe and continue to empower them to be instruments of justice, peace and love wherever they go.
As we serve in the last month of the year, pray that strength, sustained energy and joy will be our portion this month of December.
Thankful you walk with us in prayer.
In Christ,

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