Prayers for Garissa 

“But filled with the Holy Spirit, he gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. ‘Look’ he said, ‘ I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!” Acts 7:55 

On April 2, 2015, the nation of Kenya experienced what is now being called one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in its history. Four young men stormed into a University in Garissa town along the North East corner of the country near the Somali border and started taking hostages. Separating Christians from the Muslims, they proceeded to carry out their destruction.  I can only imagine what courage it took for the 22 Christian Union members to stand firm in their faith. Reports indicate they were the first to be martyred.   
Then a few days later on Easter Sunday we proclaimed Christ is risen! That’s the victory we celebrated, because despite the cloud of evil and hurt that hung over us we know that one day, like Steven in the book of Acts, we will see the heavens opened up and standing at the right hand of the father will be the Son of Man to receive us.  
LIA works in many challenging places. Places where the word of God is not welcome, places where being associated with the cross can be your end. Yet in Egypt, in Somalia, in Djibouti, and in Eritrea our staff and the underground churches they work with stand in full knowledge of the fact that someday people may burst through their doors possessed by an ideology of hate and demand from them the ultimate sacrifice for their faith in Christ.
I ask that as you take time today to pray for LIA and our ministry you would:

  • Pray for our staff and our partners in the closed countries we work in
  • Pray for other Christians around the world who are serving the Lord in very harsh conditions
  • Pray that we would have the courage to continually stand firm in our faith despite what may stand against us
Thank you for carrying this burden with us. 

In Christ,

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