A Victory to Celebrate!

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” 1 Cor 15:57-58


As I said last week, while the year comes to a close we learn of all the amazing successes our country offices have had over the past year. We will be sharing this exciting news later with the greater LIA family but I am so honored to be able to share with you a wonderful victory for the LIA Ethiopia office.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia has it’s share of struggles similar to those of other large urban regions around the world, such as poor and over-crowded living conditions.  Because of the impact work in Addis has on the rest of East Africa, many world-renowned and household name organizations do great work in this city to help alleviate extreme poverty and bring justice to the impoverished. We have been privileged to work alongside the best of the best and even partner with some of these organizations, like The Leprosy Mission and Dorcas Aid.

But in March of 2012 the LIA Ethiopia office saw a need to serve children in one of the most destitute slums in Addis. They began an OVC program in Arada targeted at improving the living conditions of 150 at-risk youth and their caretakers, as well as 50 street children, considered “hard-core” in their neighborhoods. An integrated, community-based preventive and rehabilitative program was launched, and soon after economic initiatives, such as the Zoe Savings and Credit Association, were formed by program beneficiaries. Through continued education on savings and business practices, and hard work, many members of the Savings and Credit Association were able to save up 20 birr (~1USD) per month to contribute to a revolving fund to stimulate home and community businesses, a huge sum for them. This revolving fund with humble beginnings has grown significantly and today 357,367 birr (17,868.35 USD) has been circulated and lent out!

This economic empowerment, and the incredible transformations of the street children in this program, caught the government’s eye, and on December 18th I was informed that:

  • The LIA Ethiopia was recognized and awarded for outstanding performance in the nonprofit sector.
  • Additionally, the government ranked LIA Ethiopia as the top program for orphan and vulnerable children empowerment!

This victory is a huge blessing and honor for our country office and our organization on an international level. Please join me in thanking God for his abundant favor, without Him none of this would have been possible. Kindly pray that we would continue to bear witness and carry out His work at this same standard throughout Ethiopia and the world.

Thank you for celebrating with us as we enter into this Christmas week! May God bless you and your loved ones during this precious time.

In Christ,

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