Lifeline Christian Mission
a unique opportunity
Men, you have the opportunity to experience a unique trip in Haiti!   
You will work at our Savanne Carre Christian Church, which is north of Gonavies, to finish construction on their church building.  As part of this unique experience, you will stay at the church and enjoy meals there. 
Reservations are limited to the first 20 men who sign up!

Trip dates: September 12-21, 2016

Contact for details and to join this unforgettable experience!

ministry highlights
We are excited that our own Weadman Charlot, M.D. is now working with Lifeline after completing 12 years of medical school in the Dominican Republic!  He will be working with the health teams, as well as serving as the resident physician at our Grand Goave clinic.
Valentina Michelle
Congratulations to Deybee and Yocelyn on the birth of their first child, a sweet little girl named Valentina Michelle! Please keep this family in your prayers.  
Deybee pastors our church and house churches in Guatemala, while Yocelyn serves as our child sponsorship coordinator.
Last week, our Central American pastors & leaders were encouraged through the leadership seminar team. The pastors’ wives & families also joined a portion of the seminar, which addressed the challenges ministry brings into the family dynamic. Continue to pray for our pastors, their marriages and their families.  
praises & prayer requests
  • The team from Jamestown, Hosack First Baptist and Gates Community Church of Christ returned home after a productive time of ministry in Haiti.  The ladies of the team had a memorable experience when they led the women’s praise and worship night at the Grand Goave Christian Church.  The ladies were each given a box with a scripture in it and asked to share what their treasure was; most people may think of their husband, children, health, etc, which are all good things.  But most of the Haitian ladies said “God” and pointed toward the sky. It was a great lesson for everyone.  
  • February is a busy month for our child sponsorship ministry: there are 6 partners hosting drives with over 125 children available for sponsorship!  We praise God for the churches and pray for the children to connect with sponsors who will shine the light of Jesus in their lives.
  • Gideons’ Canada team blessed Lifeline’s Haiti campus, the Grand Goave community, and Petit Goave, as they came and distributed the Gospel of John in French & Creole. They spent nearly 2 weeks in Haiti and partnered with Lifeline for part of that time. They were a delight to host and the Word of God went out!

Prayer requests
  • Pray for our mission teams to Haiti: a medical team providing health services and an upcoming team coordinating a leadership seminar for our pastors and church leaders.
  • Please pray for our child sponsorship field staff as they are busy collecting biographies on new students available to sponsor, calling children in to visit with their sponsors on mission teams, translating communications, and so much more.  They are committed to the cause for Christ and we thank God for them!
  • Pray for all our staff as they travel to share the ministry, connect with donors, and provide opportunities for others to be involved with the ministry. 
  • Keep the many individuals and families connected with Lifeline in your prayers. 
gifts given to remember
Thank you for your donations given in memory of Rob DeVoe and Hilton Logan.
You can honor and remember your loved one and allow their legacy to live on.
Lifeline Christian Mission - #RestoringHope
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 133, Westerville, OH 43081-3363