Lifeline Christian Mission
experiencing a God moment
“This is definitely a God moment here.” 
So began the email that Jackie sent to Audra, our Sponsorship Development Director, just a few days ago. 
Jackie had received our Valentine’s Day email, which included several twins who were waiting to be sponsored.  You see, twins are common in Haiti, yet, because they are twins, we don’t want to separate them between different sponsors.  Twins have a special bond that we want to continue to encourage through sponsorship.  
But when Jackie opened this email, she experienced a God moment.


ministry highlights
youth retreat
These youth serve at our church in Tegucigalpa and they recently participated in a retreat where they were encouraged and trained to continue serving our Lord. Please pray for these youth: they are the future leadership of the church in Honduras!   
Ben, Bob and Gretchen in Haiti

Ben had a great trip with Bob & Gretchen (Lifeline’s Founders), as he visited the facilities and met with our Haitian staff in his new role as Lifeline’s President. He is excited to be ministering side-by-side with our staff in Haiti!

celebrating love day
Lifeline’s schools celebrated “love day” through food and hugs, and, more importantly, they learned about God’s love.  Our middle and high school students also discussed the essential ingredients for healthy relationships.
because of the children...
We have a warehouse full of donated items which needs shipped to the children in Haiti.  
These items include small gifts for the not-yet-sponsored children, clothing & shoes for the children, newborn items for babies and new moms, and medical supplies to serve the sick.  
You stepped up and gave, and thus far, $7,000 has been donated; thank you!  $17,000 is still needed to ship two 40-foot containers filled with these much-needed items, which can’t get to the children in Haiti without your help.  
Can you fill the gap?  
Perhaps your church could step in to help fill the gap, too?  Any gift – in any amount – will assist to get these much-needed items to the children!

global impact
The Gathering: Your Global Impact
Sunday, April 3 @ 4p
You’ll hear stories of lives who’ve been transformed by your prayers and generosity, and see how you are having a global impact through your partnership with Lifeline!  4 surprise guests will join us, which we’ll unveil in March.  You don’t want to miss this!
praises & petitions
The teams from Prince Edward Island (Canada), Medway United Methodist Church (Ohio), and Apex church (Dayton, OH) arrived safely in Haiti after weather delays. Be praying for their ministry: medical professionals will be serving in the clinic and the team will finish the garden at the Grand Goave children’s home.  The staff and children will be planting vegetables and fruit for their use.  
We love getting out and speaking to your groups and churches!  Will, our Operations Director, preached at First Christian Church (Homosassa Springs, FL) for their missions week kickoff, and Audra, our Sponsorship Development Director, will be speaking at the Church of Christ in Alexandria (OH) and presenting our child sponsorship ministry. Would you like us to speak to your group?  Simply email
We’re thankful for Park Chapel Christian Church (Greenfield, Indiana) and Okolona Christian Church (Louisville, KY), as they are hosting child sponsorship drives to connect children with sponsors.  These churches are also going on upcoming mission trips, where sponsors will get to personally meet their children!

Lifeline Christian Mission - #RestoringHope
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Lifeline Christian Mission, 921 Eastwind Drive, Suite 133, Westerville, OH 43081-3363