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Your investment in young leaders 
through Lifeline’s Bible Institutes and leadership seminars 
is altering the destiny of so many young leaders who have big dreams
…and a bigger God.  Thank you!  
Keep reading to see how you are investing in these young leaders!

family who received new home Praises
  • God is pouring out His blessings and spirit; we see Him at work in every country/ministry field where Lifeline is working.



  • This week, a home was built for an extremely needy family thanks to funding from a generous donor who simply wanted the home to go to the next neediest family on the waiting list.  Our work team in Haiti took food, clothing, and money to help this needy family; the father had a broken leg and could not work.   Please pray for the many needy families who still need a home.  Visit to learn how you can make an impact on these families! (see photo on the right of the family living in their former home)
  • Containers are in process in Haiti and we could possibly expect them quicker than usual.
  • The roofing material is going on the new Children’s Home in Grand-Goâve this week.  Praise God!


Omoa Christian Church anniversary Honduras

  • Carlos, Lifeline’s Administrator in Honduras, writes:

The Omoa Christian Church celebrated its 8th anniversary last Sunday!  Around 300 people celebrated to give thanks to our Lord.  There were many people and friends who attended who are not Christians and they heard the Good News. Now, our work is to continue praying and waiting for the harvest that God will give to this church in His time. Thank you for your prayers for Omoa Christian church and Pastor Jose Luis. (see photo on right)


  • Happy Birthday Ashley!  Ashley lives at the Omoa Children’s Home and recently celebrated her 10th birthday!

  • Praise Lord!  Josue Omar was baptized in the Choloma Christian Church. 

  • This week the church in Colonia Ideal in San Pedro Sula will start in their new location.  Thank you those who made this new location possible!

United States
  • J.D. Hite, Lifeline’s Connections Director, had a great time preaching at First Christian Church in Roanoke Rapids and meeting with churches in North Carolina.  J.D. and the Lifeline staff enjoy connecting with churches and organizations; contact for additional information.
  • Andrew Brechbuhler (Logistic’s Manager), Andy Sims (Leadership Development Director), and Ben Simms (Executive Vice President) had a good week connecting with Lifeline supports and potential partners at the Exponential Conference.

Prayer Requests
  • That more people will take the opportunity and answer the call to join a mission trip to Honduras.  Visit for information and upcoming dates.
  • Bob DeVoe, Royce Cheeseman, and Todd Krahel are in Haiti and will travel to 4 countries in Central America. Russ Smith (from New Day Christian Church) will join them to see the new church plant in Guatemala.
  • Pray for Rob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Database Manager, as he begins intensive chemo for stomach cancer; he is in constant pain. 
  • Edith Casto, mother of Vicki Ferguson, is 94 years old and has Alzheimer’s Disease.  Brent Ferguson is Treasurer of Lifeline’s Board of Directors.

  • Pray for Marianne (daughter of Verlaine Cutsforth from Oregon): she is now in hospice for brain cancer.

  • For all of Lifeline’s faithful, generous donors.

  • Levi Mead as he graduates high school this month.  Levi is the son of Reneé, Lifeline’s Donation Coordinator

  • Pray for the Navajo ministry and the first work team of the season.  Keith & Christi, Lifeline’s Work Team Directors, are heading to Arizona and they will host a team from Sunbury Christian Church (Sunbury, Ohio).

  • Pray for the Jameson Rene family in the loss of his mother, Maude, in Haiti. The Rene Family has been active in Lifeline’s Grand-Goâve Christian Church for over 20 years and Jameson is a Lifeline translator and former student. Pray for peace and comfort for this family as they mourn the loss of Maude who had breast cancer.


You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at

People, Projects & Programs

Building LeadersLeaders

Leadership Seminars / Bible Institutes / Churches & House Churches


Yoselyn and Deybee.

Like most young men growing up in Honduras, Deybee’s life was challenging and options were limited. He’d felt God’s nudge toward ministry and served faithfully wherever he could, but it was hard to believe in such big dreams.


Deybee jumped at the chance to attend training for ministry recruits in Costa Rica. That’s where he met Yoselyn, a beautiful girl with the same dreams he had. One of their guest instructors was José Rodriguez, a Panamanian who had baptized Deybee’s pastor. José had recently joined Lifeline to launch a new work in El Salvador.

This training ignited Deybee’s passion for ministry more than ever, but there was nowhere to go. So, he ended up back in Honduras settling for a job he was good at – auto body repair – but that would never satisfy what was stirring in his soul.

When told José had started a Bible Institute in El Salvador, Deybee didn’t hesitate. He quit his job, gathered a few things, drove to El Salvador and begged José to disciple him. Before long, Deybee was José’s star student, studying with a dozen others each morning and working to establish house churches in the evenings.

After graduating from the Bible Institute, Deybee continued to work alongside José, growing as a leader and even discipling some of the new students himself. Yoselyn came to El Salvador in 2012 to join him in marriage and ministry. But God wasn’t finished yet.

Deybee and Yoselyn have accepted the call to launch Lifeline’s new work in Guatemala. While still waiting for licenses and funding, both know God will open the way. No dream is too big for God.



You can connect and impact lives through Lifeline’s Bible Institutes and Church Ministry!

Your Partnership

Additional ways that you can support Lifeline…

Support Lifeline at the grocery store Health Care Ministry Homes for Haiti
Memorials & Honorariums
Given In Honor


A generous donation was given in honor of Sondra Hotchkiss’ dedication to missions by the Worthington Christian Adult Bible Fellowship Class (Worthington Christian Church, Ohio).  Thank you for your love and support of Haiti and Lifeline! 

The Truth of the Matter


Psalm 119:160

On a cold winter day in January I was eating lunch with my 5 year old granddaughter.   As we ate, Madison kept looking closely at the gray sweater I was wearing.   I could tell the wheels in her mind were turning, but I wasn’t sure where those wheels were taking her thoughts until she looked at me and said, “Grandpa, your sweater matches your hair.”


My wife, son, daughter-in-law and even I laughed at this innocent statement.   There was no denying the fact that my gray sweater does match the color of my hair.  But Madison had a look on her face that seemed to ask, “Why are you laughing?”   From her perspective as a 5 year old, she had simply spoken a matter of fact truth. 


People today are searching for truth in their lives, but often come up empty in their pursuit of it.  A trusted friend betrays a confidence, after they promised, “Your secret is safe with me.”  The business deal that looked so good on paper falls apart, in spite of being told it’s a “can’t miss” proposition.   A little girl is crushed because, once again, daddy is too busy to show up for her soccer game, even though he promised this time would be different and he would come.     


Scripture gives us a famous example of one who questions the source of truth even when the truth is looking him in the eye.  In John 18, Jesus has been brought before Pilate by Jews demanding his execution.  There is a give and take conversation between them, triggered by Pilate’s question, “Are you the king of the Jews?”  Jesus finally says to Pilate, “…I came into the world to testify to the truth.  Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”  Pilate retorts, “What is truth?” 


Many are asking that question.  Sometimes Christians will ask that question.  In a time where there is much confusion about what is true, let’s note what is said of God’s truth in Psalm 119:160, “All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.”   God’s words always stand strong and true.  God is always faithful to those who trust his truth.   


Jesus says of himself in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”  Like Pilate, the truth is looking us in the eye.  How will we respond?  We can keep trying different things in the hopes of finding truth, only to be disappointed; or we can embrace the truth of God found through his son Jesus Christ.  If we make that choice, we will find purpose, hope, and new life beyond this world. 


by Keith Dimbath, Lifeline’s Work Team Director