We pray that broken lives are changed; people are loved and
cared for; and the message of Jesus Christ is spoken
through the ministries of Lifeline Christian Mission.
God is faithful and You, our supporters, are faithful:
Thus, our prayers are answered daily.
Thanks for Your constancy!


pictures from Haiti Praises



  • Blessings and praises! The Grand Goave Christian Church recently celebrated it’s 33rd anniversary!  More that 2100 worshipers were present for the event.  Note that Pastor Luc is now officially Lifeline’s Government Sanctioned leader for religious affairs.  Please keep him and all of our pastors and church leaders in your prayers. (see photos)


  • The “Hogs for Haiti” riders set off on their two week journey last Friday, August 22 and are headed towards beautiful PEI in Canada.  Along the way they’ve seen beautiful scenery and shared the message of the new Grand-Goave Children’s Home with everyone!  You can follow their ride and donate online.

  • “Hot Rods for Haiti,” hosted by Discover Christian Church, is coming up on September 14.  It’s a great day of fun – door prizes, music, and food! – all to benefit Lifeline’s ministries in Haiti.  Details at www.discovercc.org.


Prayer Requests
  • Pray for Pastor Santo Paz in Honduras.  He had a stroke and the doctor said he needs to stay at the hospital for few days. 

  • Pray for the Annual Fellowship Service, which is this Sunday (August 31) at Ocotillo Christian Church in Honduras. The Lifeline churches in Honduras come together to give thanks, encourage the members of our churches to continue growing, and to connect with each other to extend the Kingdom of God in Honduras.
  • Bob DeVoe, Lifeline Founder, is traveling to Haiti with 6 men to prepare for the upcoming men’s work team, which will complete the new Grand-Goave Children’s Home for the children move in next month!

  • Keep the men’s work team in your prayers: for safety and productivity

  • Pray for the move-in and dedication of the new Grand-Goave Children’s Home in October 

You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at www.Lifeline.org/pray.

A tribute to the riders 

“Hogs for Haiti” Bikers

by Bob DeVoe, Lifeline Founder


The morning was chilly and dank and damp,

as Bikers stirred in their roadside camp.

The first to rise and snarl his howdy,

was none other than “JD Rowdy.”


The smell of coffee soon filled the air, while

dark clouds hovered, but don’t despair;

for “Curlee Bob” was about to rise

and cook the “mess”…  ’twas no surprise.


His kitchen skills are widely known

 in Haiti, where he fills the throne;

“Hamburger King”, his title there,

another tale someday to share.


“Gruesome Greg” then showed his face

And bowed and prayed a prayer of grace;

heads down, eyes closed, his words touched all…


The tattered crew ate and drank and shared,

and by God’s hand, they were prepared.

The mission was upon them now.

Their Hogs first chugged, then rumbled low;

that sweet sound means it’s time to go.


What happened next was strange for sure,

as clouds diminished in a blur.

Out came the beautiful rising sun

and a new day’s ride was soon begun.


Trailing them and not far back

was “Talker Tim,” yes, right on track.

His caring heart and watching eyes

to share with all and harmonize.


But why are these guys doing this?

It seems like something is amiss.

Do they not know the world’s perception?

Why are they a grand exception?


To sum it up in one short phrase,

“because of kids and Jesus”

who they serve and praise.


Your Partnership

Additional ways that you can support and learn more about Lifeline…

U vs Hunger Health Care Ministry sponsor a child
Memorials & Honorariums
Gifts given to remember & honor


In honor of Paul & Emily Bell, given by David & Marla McNabb and Linda Willem


Beautiful Displays of God


Yes, into every life a little rain must fall.  Spring only comes after winter.  Tulips will bloom only if they have endured a freeze.  Beauty does come from ashes.  But at what cost?


The Grand Canyon has been carved by water over years beyond counting into one of the most beautiful displays of nature in the world.  My face too is being etched.  My soul is being carved. Forces are at work sculpting me – my life, my views, and my beliefs – honing and shaping and changing me.  The process is sometimes painful and sometimes unnoticed, but the effect?  Oh, for the grace to see the effect as beautiful.  To be able to see our lives, our bodies, our faces, our souls sculpted by time, our choices, and by the hand of our relentless, fierce, and loving God as beautiful displays.


Rain serves a purpose. Even floodwaters.  Even suffering.


excerpt from Becoming Myself, by Stasi Eldredge