Bad Disposition or Outlook?  NOT!

  • Praising God for His blessings and guidance as Lifeline continues to reach out to many people in Central America, the Caribbean, Canada, and the U.S.
  • Lifeline’s 2015 work team schedule is filling up quickly.  Visit if you are interested in organizing or joining a team!


El Salvador

  • Jose, Lifeline’s Administrator in El Salvador, sent us these exciting updates about recent ministry events in the churches & house churches:
    • the Nuevo Cuscatlan house church had an all night vigil.
    • the new Sacatecoluca house church continues to grow; in only 5 months this church has grown to 40-50 people.
    • the Santa Tecla Christian Church had a special activity with the Salvadoran culture and customs; over 340 people attended (see photo).



  • Excitement is building as the new Grand-Goave Children’s Home is nearing completion!
    • The Haitian couple who are the Directors/House Parents for the home will begin working soon.
    • The home dedication is October 23!



  • 700 people attended the annual fellowship services in Honduras.  There were 4 services and the theme was “Enjoying the Connection” (see photo).
United States
  • We are thankful for our amazing volunteers who came and processed all the sponsor gifts that are being sent to Haiti and Honduras for Christmas!  Several volunteers – such as Debbie Kayse, Loretta Garee, Sherry Bower, The Hegenbergers, The Pezlens, Misha Thomas, Jeanie Cheeseman and others – worked tirelessly to process the gifts. Thanks to God for their commitment and hearts of service. And our own staff persons – Elaine Angell and Dana Krahel – have gone beyond the call of duty; thanks everyone!
  • The donated 15 passenger van for Lifeline.  It has been checked out, has new tires, and the DeVoe’s drove it to Florida to ship to Haiti.
  • Amazing (and busy!) ABC food packing schedule: in September and October, over 3.4 million meals will be packed, with an estimated 6+ million total meals packed in 2014.
  • The rain early this week in Ohio didn’t dampen the spirits of those on the Ohio to Erie ride. Thus far the group has raised over $15,000, which benefits Lifeline! (see photo)
  • Thank you for your prayers and for safe travels for the Hogs for Haiti ride (see photo), as they have been sharing the needs of the Haitian children and the new Grand-Goave Children’s Home with churches and individuals in the Northeastern U.S. and Canada.  Only minor repairs and a flat tire slowed the group down.  You can still donate…$5, $10, or more goes a long way to help with the new Children’s Home! 

Prayer Requests
  • Continued safety for all the staff traveling here and there.

  • Rob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Database Manager, as his chemotherapy is hitting him really hard this time.

  • The water pump at Ocotillo, Honduras has broken and repairs are going to be expensive; the water is needed for the school, meal preparations, clinic, cleaning, and for Pastor Antonio and his wife who live on the campus.

  • Up-coming leadership seminar to Central America, led by Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director.

  • MEET Teams to Haiti and Central America.  MEET Trip by representative of Gideons’ Canada, to Central American with Bob DeVoe, later this month.

  • Carlos Cojon is applying for a VISA to visit the U.S. to be with us for ICOM (international conference on missions).  He and his family were able to visit in 2010 when we celebrated Lifeline’s 30th anniversary and take part in the NACC. Pray that the U.S. government will grant his request.

  • All of the ABC packing events taking place throughout the U.S.; for safe travels for Matt Collins, Project Director and all of our staff and volunteers assisting with the events.

  • Finances: Lifeline’s ministries require major funding; pray that God will provide all the needs of the mission.

  • Kesaia Cojon, Lifeline summer intern in Honduras, has returned to Texas to continue her education.  Please keep her in prayer.

You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at

Get Involved

Serve Opportunities

Are you a detailed person?  Or would you rather welcome people to an event?  Perhaps your gift is leading others?  Does working in the warehouse excite you?  Or would you prefer helping in the office?  Maybe your gift is connecting others with Lifeline’s ministries.


We have a variety of volunteer opportunities that you can be involved with…whether it’s helping in Lifeline’s office or warehouse, assisting with ABC events around the U.S., or simply promoting Lifeline in your community!  Dana, Lifeline’s Volunteer Coordinator, works to connect you to your passion in serving with Lifeline!   


If you are interested in serving with Lifeline, check out, which includes some suggestions of volunteer opportunities. But if your passion isn’t listed, then let us know your skills because never know how they can be used.  And if you simply aren’t sure where you can serve, contact Dana at and she will help you find your sweet spot!



Your Partnership

Additional ways that you can support and learn more about Lifeline…

instagram U vs Hunger textbooks for Haiti
Memorials & Honorariums
Gifts given to remember & honor


In honor of Paul & Emily Bell, given by Darlene Grove


In memory of Doug Corcoran, given by Jeannie Corcoran


A New Heaven & New Earth

Our earth is perishing….  We who dwell here suffer from illness, natural catastrophes, and evil…. Even the righteous grow weary of living in a place so contrary to their values….  But the day is coming when God will create a new heaven and earth, and His creation won’t simply be a newer model.  God will not merely reform our present situation; He will transform it.  His new heaven and new earth will be qualitatively different:

  • There will be no more tears (Revelation 21:4).  Sorrow, pain, and suffering shall be forgotten, and unimaginable joy will be our constant experience.
  • The New Jerusalem will be a perfect place to dwell (Revelation 21:16).
  • The wall, over two hundred feet thick, will be crystal clear, indicating the city’s purity (Revelation 21:18).
  • Only one street is mentioned, and it is pure gold (Revelation 21:21)
  • Jesus came as the Light of this world, so we should not be surprised that the glory of God and the Lamb will provide the illumination in the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:23).
  • The city gates are not closed because there will no longer be any enemies (Revelation 21:25).
And He shall reign forever and ever!



excerpt from Discovering God’s Daily Agenda by Henry & Richard Blackaby