YOU have done it AGAIN!
Lifeline Supporters are Fantastic… 
Your generous and fast response to our urgent need following the tragic fire in Haiti allowed us to get most of our facilities back up and running in just over a week. (The multi-purpose dormitory building the same day!)  There’s still a lot of work to do, but it appears that donations being received to cover the cost of needed replacements and repairs will be sufficient to complete the work.  Thank you and Praise the Lord!  An update report with photos will be coming soon.





church ministry El Salvador & Panama

  • We praise God for those who continue to come to Christ weekly in El Salvador!  Jose’ Rodriguez, Lifeline’s Administrator in El Salvador, is doing a great work for Christ there and in Panama, as the work in Panama is growing disciples. Praise God. (see photo)



  • The final work team of the winter season to Haiti concluded on March 1; spring teams commence soon. 
  • Much of the work has been completed relating to fire damage in Haiti: purchase of new generators and hook up of those generators.  We praise God for the generosity of His children!  We are still working on replacing the 3rd generator.
  • Progress continues on the new Grand Goave Children’s Home.  The roof trusses continue to go up.
  • 19 youth at Laregal Christian Church were baptized in February.


CaryHill Honduras

  • Happy Birthday to Carlos Cojon, our Administrator in Honduras!
  • In January & February, 16 people were baptized in Lifeline’s churches in Honduras!
  • The men’s work team made it to Honduras safely on Tuesday, March 4.
  • Progress is being made on the CaryHill multi-purpose center; roofing material goes on next and pre-wiring for electrical, plumbing, etc. (see photo)


Desert Song Navajo Ministry

  • You’re invited to a concert to benefit Lifeline’s Navajo ministry on Saturday, March 29.  The featured artists include Spring Starr Pillow, Chrissy Kirk Banks, and our own Barbara Adams Snyder!  Share the news with others at www.Lifeline.org/DesertSong
  • Red Sands Christian School is now involved with the “Box Tops for Education” program, which helps us purchase items for the school! Non-expired Box Tops can be collected, along with Campbell’s Soup Labels.  Both can be mailed to Red Sands Christian School, Attn: Barb Snyder, PO Box 579, Winslow, AZ 86047. More info can be found at the school’s website or contact Barb.  


  • In March, there are currently 16 ABC food packing events scheduled in 5 different states! Together these events will pack approximately 400,000 meals.  Pray for the travel, for the leaders organizing each event, for the participants packing the food and, ultimately, the lives that will be impacted by the food!
  • Celebrating the home-going of Glen Wheeler, a Central Ohio minister who impacted so many lives throughout his lifetime. He is missed by many who celebrate His life and work for Christ’s kingdom.


Prayer Requests
  • URGENT: The Honduran government has made some changes in the importing of items to Honduras that have impacted the flow of our importation of sponsor gifts and items for the ministry/work in Honduras; the shipment has been delayed about 2 weeks from customs clearance and there is not a guaranteed release date.  Brenda Johnson, Lifeline volunteer, is in Honduras cooking for the work teams and is awaiting the sponsor gifts to distribute.  Also, some of the materials the Men’s Work Team needs are on that shipment. Pray that these items will be released ASAP.
  • Bob DeVoe, Bobby Curlee, Andy Sims, J.D. Hite, and Brenda Johnson (all Lifeline staff persons) are in Honduras this coming week to accomplish many tasks; pray that they will be successful in accomplishing the work set before them.
  • Pray for the Hogs for Haiti group as they plan their 4500 mile ride across Canada this summer to benefit Lifeline’s new Children’s Home in Grand Goave.
  • Pray for Dale Bockbrader, who has a serious blood infection and is in the hospital.  Also keep Tom Gabel in your prayers as hospice is being called.  Both Dale and Tom are friends of Lifeline. 

  • Pray for our vehicle situation in Honduras. Our van has transmission problems and needs to be repaired.
  • Keith & Christi Dimbath representing Lifeline this week in Oregon; many good opportunities to connect and make friends. 
  • Haiti shipments are being held in our U.S. warehouse due to issues in customs in Haiti again relating to Lifeline’s importation list.  The customs office has lost our official file with our documents that include our requested import list. We are not going to ship anything more until those documents are found and processed, and we cannot get deposits returned to us from customs until the documents are found and approved.  This remains an on-going headache for us and we are really struggling with this issue.
  • Pray for the Central American pastors & church leaders who will be gathering in Honduras for another leadership seminar.  God’s Spirit is moving in that part of the world.  Pray that we can learn how to join what He is already doing.
  • Pray for Lifeline’s teachers in Honduras as the vision is cast for establishing 5 core values (affirmation, truth, purpose, integrity & selflessness).  These values are the foundation of the development we seek in each student.  Pray that our teachers will grasp the significance of each value and discover exciting ways to instill them into their students each day. 


You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at www.Lifeline.org/pray.

Kim Dwar People, Projects & Programs
Meet Kim Dewar
Volunteer Work Team Coordinator


Wife of 34 years, mother of 3 daughters and grandmother of 3, she is number 4 of 5 siblings, but her greatest role is that of being a follower of Jesus Christ! She had the honor of growing up in a home committed to serving God and His kingdom! She loves music and has been singing and playing in church from a young age, and working with the children has always been a passion of hers!


In these years of the empty nest she has enjoyed serving in Haiti and leading teams to Haiti, along with her husband, Jim, and being a part of serving in a whole new world out of the “church” zone has really energized her faith! 


Kim’s hobbies include traveling, reading, music and movies.


One of her favorite scriptures is: 

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Romans 8:38-39



Let God Define You


God loves you and has chosen you as his own special people. 
So be gentle, kind, 
humble, meek, 
and patient.


Colossians 3:12 CEV


Jesus faced constant demands, dangerous opposition and little privacy. Yet he never allowed others to define him.


What does that teach us?


Know who you are (John 8:12)

There was no doubt in Jesus’ mind as to who he was. He knew he came from God, and he knew he had a unique mission to fulfill. As believers, we can know we belong to God and that God defines who we are and what we are meant to do on this Earth. Trying to be someone God never intended you to be causes stress!


Know whom you want to please (John 5:30)

Jesus never let the fear of rejection manipulate him. No one can pressure you without your permission. You can’t please everyone; even God can’t! 


Know what goals you need to reach (John 8:14)

Jesus said, “I know where I came from and where I am going.” Preparation prevents pressure, but procrastination produces it. You work by either priorities or pressures.


Know how to maintain your priorities (Luke 4:42-44)
Jesus knew how to handle interruptions without being distracted from his primary goal.


by Rick Warren, from Daily Hope with Rick Warren

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