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YOU are a blessing…
Read below to see how your donations and prayers are being 
utilized in ministry!





  • Jose, Lifeline’s Administrator in El Salvador, will be traveling to Guatemala with Deybee, Bible Institute graduate and future missionary to Guatemala, to sign some papers and also to baptize a new believer in that country. Praise God!


El Salvador

  • Congratulations!  Last Sunday, Alejandro and Zuleima were married with more than 350 people attending the ceremony.  Keep them in your prayers as they begin their marriage together.  Alejandro is the pastor at Sonsonate Christian Church .


food arrives in Haiti!Haiti

  • Winter work teams have accomplished so much; 26homes have been constructed so far.
  • The health team to Haiti last week saw over 1000 patients in all clinics they conducted.

  • Praise God for a ministry partner that helped pay for the excess demurrage/storage charges on 4 containers.  We Care Haiti always comes through to help.

  • Praises for the pallet of beans that sustained our feeding programs for a few weeks while waiting for the containers to clear customs.

  • 2 containers of ABC Meals arrived in Grand Goave (560,000 meals); part of these go to other missions; the rest is for Lifeline’s schools and ministries. (see photos on right of containers arriving/being unloaded)

  • New children’s home at Grand Goave coming along well; trusses are being built in the welding shop for the roof

  • Thanks to FAME Canada that the medicines for hypertension and diabetic clinics came in time.


flooding inside and outside at the children's home


  • Praises and answered prayer for our new caretaker at CaryHill in Honduras: Josue Rolando Garcia. 
  • Thanks to a grant from IDES, the furniture and materials are on their way to Honduras to replace what was lost in the recent floods.  (see photos on right)  IDES also donated money to help with the clean up and a new septic system.

  • Kesaia Cojon (Carlos & Paty’s daughter/Honduras Administrator) will be going to the Dominican Republic for a spring break mission trip with Johnson University. Kesaia is in her second year at Johnson.

  • Praises for the work continuing on the CaryHill multipurpose facility. The work is moving along thanks to the efforts of Karen Cary and generous friends who donated money.

  • Schools in Honduras are open after their 3 month annual break; we have added 8th grade at Gonzales this year and 11th grade at Ocotillo.



  • NACC food packing sponsors are stepping up. We have 5 youth sessions to sponsor at $2500 each.  Contact if you’d like to sponsor!
  • Rob DeVoe, Lifeline’s Database Manager, has begun his radiation and chemo treatments for esophageal cancer; praising God that this has started.
  • Gretchen was interviewed from Haiti with NewVision FM in Northwest Ohio; it was about Haiti in general but specifically was for the kick off of their annual peanut butter drive in partnership with Lifeline.  Thanks to NewVision for this opportunity.


Prayer Requests
  • The sad news of the passing of our Haitian pastor, Philippe, who was such an inspiration to the people at the remote location of L’Azile. 
  • Pray for our team (Myron Williams, Kevin Hart, Jim Dewar and Andy Sims, Lifeline’s Leadership Development Director) as they lead a leadership seminar with our pastors at Lifeline’s Mahotiere campus in Haiti this week. We will also be leading a seminar for our teachers in Grand Goave on Saturday.
  • Omoa repairs and upgrades.
  • Work at Red Sands (Navajo ministry) is scheduled to begin next month. 
  • Urgent prayers for a 5 year old named Hunter suffering from brain tumors.  He is in critical condition. 
  • Lifeline is coordinating the food packing events at both the NACC in Indianapolis (in July) and ICOM in Columbus (in November).  Continue to pray for sponsors who have been asked to financially assist with the events, for plans to come together for the food packing events, and for connections to be made.  Pray that each conference will have a tremendous impact. 
  • Funds requested to complete the roof at Lazile church in memory of Pastor Phelipe who died last Saturday; he was paralyzed and in a wheelchair


  • March is National Peanut Butter Month and many churches/organizations are hosting peanut butter drives for Lifeline’s nutrition clinic in Haiti.  Pray for the children who need this source of nutrition.

  • Lifeline’s International Bible Institute growth and effectiveness to continue.

  • Pray for no more flooding at the Omoa Children’s Home (Honduras) until the septic work can be done.

  • Bobby Curlee, Lifeline’s Plant Manager, and a team of men are going to Honduras in about 2 weeks to do some much-needed maintenance and work on the CaryHill multipurpose facility; pray for their safety.

  • A team from Compass Christian is coming to visit Lifeline in Haiti on February 13 for a one-day visit. They also packed a container of food.

  • A Southland work team is coming to Haiti to be involved with the food distribution from the containers they packed last fall; they arrive on February 20.

  • Visit to Haiti by Gideons Canada; they donated 10,000 Bibles and are coming to distribute some of them.

  • An Education Task Force seminar will be held Friday in Grand Goave, Haiti

  • The evangelism programs are blossoming in Haiti at the churches.


You can view Lifeline’s weekly prayer list at

Attention Facebook Users:
You Can Help Us Win a Grant! 


Facebook Users:
Vote today to help 
Lifeline receive a 
portion of the 
$50,000 grant money!

FedEx is currently running a contest to give away a total of $50,000 in grant money to 10 different small businesses!  The contest works by each business collecting votes.  So far, Lifeline has 545 votes.  On February 23rd, the top 100 businesses that have the most votes will go on for FedEx to choose the winners! 


The top winner receives $25,000 and then 9 other businesses will be chosen to receive smaller grants.  


You can help us by voting today


Share this on your Facebook page and feel free to forward this to whoever you like!


Like us on Facebook follow Lifeline on Facebook!    


Exponential East - April 28-May 1
Our way of saying thanks!
What is Exponential?
will take a fresh look at evangelism – 
proclaiming the 
Good News – 

as we rethink and challenge some of our old paradigms and we rediscover some of Jesus’ old truths. We will press into five key areas of evangelism within the context of discipleship.


As an exhibitor at this year’s Exponential Conference (April 28-May 1 / Orlando, FL), Lifeline has a limited number of reduced, $99 registrations (regular price is $199) that we’d like to offer to you.  Our supply is limited and the conference is nearly sold out.   

You’ll join over 5000 leaders in Orlando who are passionate about spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ!  

Lifeline is also hosting a breakfast during the conference on Wednesday, April 30.  So, even if you’ve already registered please let me know and I’ll save a spot for you.  

I appreciate you and hope to see you at Exponential!


Save $100 and register through Lifeline!
Contact today! 




Firmin LouisPeople, Projects & Programs
Meet Firmin Louis 


Firmin is Pastor of Source of Blessing Church in Haiti, a Lifeline affiliated church, and ministers to approximately 120 people in his congregation.  In addition, he is Lifeline’s liaison in Haiti, working in customs to process containers that we ship into Haiti.


Firmin is married to Magalie and they have 6 children, Rachelle – 20, Syndia – 18, Bernice – 15, Hudson – 13, Lorry – 11 and Levy – 9.


Firmin became a Christian in 1991 and one of the biggest privileges he had growing up was to attend the Theology School.  He also looks up to different leaders in his walk with Christ.  The things he enjoys most in ministry is evangelism and preaching.  His biggest challenge is to be a true and solid leader.  His dream is to see all believers’ mature, gaining knowledge and taking their place in the body of Christ, doing exploits in His name!


He would like for you to pray for new and efficient leaders, for the church to grow numerically and the rebuilding of the church that was destroyed in the earthquake.


Love God.  Love People.



We invest a lot of time, 
money and energy 
into showing our love!  
But God’s love 
is deeper than this. 
– – – – – – – – –
For God so loved the world 
that that he gave 
his one an only Son, 
that whoever believes 
in him shall not perish 
but have eternal life.
John 3:16 


You may have started seeing it on the shelves at the store soon after Christmas – Valentine’s Day candy!    The card racks at the Hallmark store may have been filled with Valentine’s cards before you drug your Christmas tree to the curb! 


Some have referred to Valentine’s Day as the “Hallmark holiday.”  Each year approximately 190 million Valentine cards are sent in the U.S.   In 2010 an estimated 15 million e-Valentines were sent.   We invest a lot of time, money and energy into showing our love!  But God’s love is deeper than this. 


Love is central to the theme of the Bible.  From Genesis to Revelation that theme comes through.  God created man in his own image desiring a relationship with him.  Even when man sinned, God, while not condoning the sin, still showed a desire to offer forgiveness to those who would repent and return to him.


We read in the Bible of people who loved God.  A notable example is David.  His love for God was so deep that in scripture he is referred to as a man after God’s own heart. 


In Matthew 22 the Pharisees, in their quest to get Jesus to say something against the Old Testament law asked him this question, “Which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”   


Jesus answers in Matthew 22:37 – 40, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all you soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it:  Love your neighbor as yourself.  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” 


Jesus meets their challenge by quoting from the Law itself in Deuteronomy and Leviticus.  They couldn’t nail him on that!


His two part answer is the foundation for our lives and ministries in our homes, families and churches.   It starts with loving God with everything that we are – our heart, soul and mind.   It’s a love for God that guides our thoughts, words and actions so that they are pleasing to God.  The more we spend time in and grow in the word, the deeper this love grows because we allow God’s heart and mind to be in us.


Jesus then reminds us that this love is shown in how we love others.  Loving your neighbor as yourself means that we put others first.  We put the needs of our spouse, our children, our family, our co-workers, etc. ahead of our own.  We become intentional


This love is even seen in the day to day casual encounters of life.   Taking the time to smile and greet the clerk at the store.  Treating the waitress with kindness.  Thanking the person ahead of you for holding the door for you.  I once heard someone say that these small acts of love and kindness leave the “handprints of Jesus” on the hearts of people we cross paths with.  Just imagine what could happen if every follower of Christ showed this type of love each day.


“For God so loved the world that that he gave his one an only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”    John 3:16    


God shows us that love is seen when we give of ourselves, when we give our best to him, and to others.   


As we go through each day of our lives, let’s be aware of that in loving God and loving people, we can make an impression in the lives of others.  God brings countless opportunities throughout our lives to show his love to others.  Look for them, welcome them, and don’t miss them.  Instead of getting stuck in your own situations, look for ways to love others and help them rise above their situations.  In so doing, you will find that love given back to you.    



by Keith Dimbath, Laborlink Work Team Co-Director